Wedding Bells

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-Demi's P.O.V.-

I turned to the side and checked myself out. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Baby, you look fine." My mom reassured me like she had so many times today.

"I know mom, it's just... I want to look just as perfect as I know she will be." I sighed.

"Dems, I've seen Y/N. She's cute but you definitely win." Dallas smiled.

"I'm telling her you said that." I smirked. Dallas stuck out her tongue and I smiled. Dallas was like another girlfriend that Y/N had. Of course Y/N and Dallas would never go that far, but Dallas sure knew how to piss me off. She flirted with Y/N, claiming she really loved her, so now that she said I look better, I'm telling Y/N that. All in good fun. For me at least.

"You look good Mads." I smiled at my younger sister. She flipped her hair.

"I know right?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just kidding sis. You look great. Y/N will love it." Maddie kissed my cheek.

"That's right. I can't wait until we see Y/N's expression!" Marissa cheered. I laughed.

"Okay girls, we gotta go." My mom said. They all left me alone in the room. I started to drown in my thoughts. I'm ready. No I'm not. Would she back out? Would I? Will someone object? I hope not. I was cut off from anymore thoughts by a knock at my door. I grabbed my bouquet of flowers and opened the door.

"You look beautiful Demi." My stepdad Eddie said. I thanked him.

"You don't look bad yourself." I smiled. He smiled back.

"Well you know. Everything had to be perfect for my little girl.. And Maddie, Dallas, Marissa, and your mom weren't going to let me go out there looking like a clown." He chuckled. I laughed.

"I love them so much." I shook my head.

"I love them too." He said.

"I love you too Dems." He said.

"I love you too dad." I smiled. I could see him smiling too.

"Are you ready miss?" A man asked. I nodded. I heard my music start up and I took one final deep breath. The doors slowly opened and an immediate smile spread to my face. I could see Y/N's reaction from far away. Her mouth dropped open. Her brother leaned over and whispered something to her, making her mouth snap shut. We locked eyes and I smiled wider if that was possible. Eddie kissed my cheek, smiled at the priest and turned to Y/N.

"Don't hurt my daughter. I won't hurt you, her sisters, best friend, and mom have that covered. Plus her Lovatic Army." Eddie warned Y/N. I rolled my eyes smiling. Y/N nodded.

"Also, you may be my sister, but I'd give you a kick in the ass too." Her brother whispered. I laughed and Y/N's eyes immediately snapped to mine. She smiled at my laugh. She loved it. She's told me at least a thousand times. Eddie smiled once more at the two of us, and then he sat down next to my mom. The priest was about to speak, but Y/N stopped him.

"Hold on, I have something to say." Y/N said. I was scared. I knew she was going to back out! But why? Don't let her back out. I love her. She's the one.

"Take a look at Demi. Now take a look at me. This woman right here, who is even more perfect now, is all mine. Just take a moment to admire her beauty and that dress." Y/N smiled holding up my hand. I blushed and bowed a little. The crowd screamed and clapped.

"Alright. Sorry about that sir. Let's do this." She nodded at the priest and then looked at me.

"You're crazy." I mouthed to her.

"You love me." She smirked.

"Yes I do." I smiled.

"I love you too." She mouthed back. For a while I was just lost in her eyes. They were so beautiful. The most beautiful shade of Y/E/C I've ever seen. We said our vows, we both cried and her crying made everything even more beautiful. Finally, the part I've been waiting for.

"I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The priest smiled.

"Finally." Y/N and I both breathed out. We looked at each other and had a laughing session with the crowd before Y/N pulled me close and sealed the gap. The crowd busted into cheers, but that all started fading away as I deepened the kiss. Now it was just us. Just me and my beautiful wife. She pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"I love you Demetria Devonne Lovato-Y/L/N." Y/N said kissing my nose. I scrunched up my face and she chuckled.

"And I love you Y/F/N Y/M/N Lovato-Y/L/N." I smiled.

"You think it's weird that now your last name is after mine?" I asked.

"Maybe, but guess what." She smiled.

"What?" I asked as I linked my arm with hers, starting down the aisle.

"Oh oh oh! I really don't care!" She sang. I laughed.

"I'm glad I married you." I laughed more. She laughed with me and we made our way out the door, starting our lives. Together. Forever.

Demi Imagines (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now