Surprise Me

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-Demi's P.O.V.-

Y/N has been my best friend since elementary school and I was the first and only person she told that she was bi. I have always been supportive of her, even when we both knew that her parents wouldn't. I've always tried my best to keep her happy and to deal with the bullying from school. I started realizing that in the 8th grade, I liked her, but I hid it from her of course. It was now our junior year of high school and like an idiot, I still haven't told her. It's midterm week! Yay! Not. After our science exam, Y/N and I headed back to her house and up to her room to study for our math exam the next day. I stopped after a few minutes. I couldn't focus. I need to tell her.

"Are you stuck?" Y/N asked.

"No. I just have a question for you and it's been on my mind for a while and it's really bugging me." I said nervously.

"Okay, what's wrong Demzie?" Y/N asked.

"A-are you s-still bi?" I asked. Her face turned up at me.

"Yeah.. Why?" She asked.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked. I looked away from her. I know it's a no.

"What do you mean Demi?" She asked.

"Like.. Date me? Like.. Be my girlfriend? Never mind, I don't deser-." She cut me off by grabbing my face and kissing me hard. She pulled away but I was still in an unknown world, so I kept my eyes closed.

"Do you still want to date me beautiful?" She asked. I nodded excitedly.

"Yes! And so much more now!" I yelled and kissed her again.

Demi Imagines (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now