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This was so not my day.

I growled as I furiously scrubbed at the mascara mark across my forehead, cursing at my mom's horrible timing even though I knew she had perfectly planned it. I tossed my hair back into a messy pony and adjusted my dark grey Twenty-One Pilots sweatshirt over my black leggings. My outfit clearly spelled out "I give no fucks and this is my fifth school".

"Shaylyn, if I have to start counting I'm going to come up there and kick your ass myself!" I heard my mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I grumbled as I grabbed my jacket off of my desk chair and slung it over my shoulder.

I practically skipped the stairs, my white high-top converse a blur as I flew down them. "Woah slow down there, I may be a neurosurgeon but the last thing you need is to crack your skull open on our new stairs." My mom said, raising her eyebrows at me from where she stood at the kitchen table.

"Well don't threaten my life then." I grumbled back at her.

I eyed her with envy, at thirty four she still looked like she was 22. Her long brown hair cascaded in soft waves down her back, her brown eyes were the color of burnt amber. Her strong-boned face was flawless and she didn't even have make up on. Here I was with pizza face, a mascara mark on my forehead, lion hair, and bags the size of Africa hanging from my eyes and even in wrinkled old scrubs my mom was still the poster child for Gucci.

Carrie Daniels was not the most open person on the planet, which was understandable after finding out your husband was a cheating bastard for five years of your marriage. We moved here from Florida about a week ago, not exactly on the best of terms. When I was five years old, my dad walked out because he was tired of spending his hard-earned hooters money on wittle ole' me. You see, I have a condition called Marfan Sydrome. It is an inherited disease that can affect many parts of the body like the skin, eyes, bones, lungs, or the heart.

Lucky me, I inherited the heart condition.

What I have is called Mitral Valve Prolapse, its a billowing or swelling of the heart valve that is associated with irregular or rapid heartbeats and even shortness of breath. I had surgery after surgery and after I turned 10, my mom decided she didn't want me to live like that anymore. I agreed because it kinda sucked being the only ten year old ever to never see the outdoors. My mom wanted me to live the most normal life possible.

I met mom at the bottom of the stairs and she immediately found the mark on my forehead and busted up laughing. "I've still got it." She wiped her eyes.

"Sometimes, I really hate you." I glared at her. She simply patted my cheek before pulling on her jacket and grabbing her keys. "Come on, lets get you to school."

We rolled into the high school parking lot 30 minutes later, as traffic was a little rough this morning. Of course that could have something to do with mom's 10 trips back into the house because she was worried she forgot to lock the door or shut a window.

"Holy shit! How are we going to afford this?" I gawked at the building in front of me, having to shield my eyes at the glow the sun gave off from the million windows. I could see the long bridges between the hallways even before we parked.

"Holy shit is right. And I take offense to that." She frowned at me. "I'll have you know Florida offered me a healthy inheritance to transfer here." She shut the car off, turning to look at me. Students are piling into the building from all sides and I cant help but notice most of them have clothes on that cost more than three of my houses combined. I shrugged at my own outfit, not really caring that I didn't fit in.

Florida was much hotter than here and I didn't really care what anyone thought of me. I mean, when you had a five-inch long scar down the valley of your breasts you were going to get made fun of anyway, so why not own it? I didn't flaunt it by any means, but it was a part of me and I wasn't going to be insecure about it.

"Ready?" My mom asked, snapping me out of my daydream. I smiled at her and nodded, grabbing my shoulder bag and climbed out of the car. "Have fun playing with brains!" I kissed her cheek and she laughed. "See you tonight." She waved as she pulled out of the parking lot.

With a sigh I turned and started my trek across the parking lot, once again ogling the ginormous building in front of me. I was so caught up in the largeness of it that I wasn't watching where I was going and didn't see the person in front of me open her car door. I ran smack into it, the corner of the door catching my forehead with a crack. Pity too, because I was damn sure I would've noticed a girl like that.

"Oh fuck! I mean, crap! Are you alright?" She panicked, her voice was melodic even with the shrillness of it. I caught the hint of an Italian accent as it reached my ears. My vision swam black and white as I felt myself sway, I was dangerously close to falling but then heat infused my arms as she steadied me. "Hello?" She brushed the hair out of my eyes and my vision gradually cleared.

Fuck is right. I licked my lips as my eyes devoured the woman in front of me.

She was gorgeous.

Honey blond hair rippled down her back in soft curls, gold in places where the sun hit the strands. Her features were perfectly symmetrical and defined, her lips pink and full. She had a beauty mark just off to the side of her nose, and her eyes were so clear and deep blue I was sure they'd been filled with water from the Caribbean ocean. She didn't look a day over 20. And it only made it ten times better that they were completely focused on me. "Are you okay?" She almost purred, her dark eyebrows furrowing in concern.

I blinked harshly a couple times to assure that my vision wasn't failing me and that she was real. "Yes, I think so." I breathed. She sighed in relief and leaned forward just enough that I caught her apple-cinnamon scent as she reached up to brush the hair out of my face. She squinted as she looked for the big ass knot I was sure I had on my forehead. "Well, I don't see anything. Sorry, no war wounds to tell your friends." She joked but I all but fell into her arms at the feeling of her skin on mine.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she stood there in a pristine grey dress with six-inch heels that I for-sure would've broken my neck in. Her long toned legs looked amazing. "Are you sure?" I pulled my eyes off of her legs and had enough grace to blush at the knowing look in her eyes.

"Yes I-" The sound of a shrill bell cut through my words and I scrambled to grab my bag. "Crap I'm late!"

She laughed, locking her car with a beep and easily keeping pace with me. "Relax, love. There's two bells, one signals the ten minute mark, the second signals the five. What is your first class?"

I glanced down at my schedule as I speed-walked. "Senior English."

Her voice sounded oddly cheerful. "Oh? With what teacher?"

I gave her an odd look. "Um....Miss Conner?" I questioned, growing even more wary as pristine white teeth flashed at me in a delighted smile. "Do you have her too?"

She laughed, confusing me, but she had the most beautiful laugh I'd ever heard and shook her head, looking at me through glittering blue eyes that held every secret I wanted to unravel. "I am her." My jaw dropped as I skidded to a halt, staring at her with a "tell me you're joking" look on my face.

But she just stood there, blinking innocently at me although the smirk on her face told a different story.

I am so fucked.


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