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Twenty Three

My trance on the picture was broken when I heard the front door open and close.

I wandered a little more, taking in the kitchen with its marble countertops and soft lighting. She eventually found me in her bedroom, a small smile filling my face as I took it in.

Her room wasn't messy, but it was a little cluttered. What I liked most about the room was on the wall behind the bed, which rested on the floor, was a beautifully done nativity scene. The trees were all vines of silver, along with the animal's silhouettes. There were animals of all sorts ranging from deer, rabbits, geese, all the way up to a moose. The base color of the walls was consistent of a eggshell blue, which brought out the silver of the scene nicely.

"My grandfather used to paint, he painted this for me a long time ago, I take it with me wherever I go." Her voice came from behind me, but I didn't turn right away.

The bed was a queen size box frame, made from a type of beautiful mahogany. The comforter and pillows were black, a burgundy throw blanket was thrown across the bed, finishing the cozy look.

I followed my gaze to her closet, which looked to be a medium-sized walk-in. "You have a beautiful home." I commented, finally turning to look at her. As usual, my breath caught at the sight of her leaning against the doorway.

Even in my baggy sweats and tank she still looked like she should be on the cover of a magazine. Even so, I was never jealous of her ethereal beauty. It was just who she was, and to be honest, she had no idea the power she held over me. "Thank you."

Her blue eyes shined like diamonds as she came to stand before me. A soft sigh left my mouth as she brought her hand up to brush the hair out of my face. "I like this." She whispered, cupping my cheek.

"You, here, in my home." My heart stuttered in my chest as adoration for this beautiful woman spread through me. She pulled me into her arms, placing a kiss against my forehead.

"It feels right." I agreed, mumbling into her hair.

She pulled away and groaned, her head tipping back. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?"

My brows furrowed as I thought over the question. "I think it's a test of sorts, seeing if we're truly meant for this life. It's only gonna get harder from here." My voice grew soft, worry layering my words.

But she just "hmm'd" and bent her head down to place a soft kiss to my mouth, her lips warm and comforting on my own. Her dimples appeared as she pulled back, gracing me with one of those heart-stopping smiles. "Luckily, I know what I want and nothing, I mean nothing will change that." Her voice was throaty with promise.

I swallowed, arousal burning a pathway through my stomach at the sight of pure undiluted desire in her eyes. "Uhm, I'm gonna go wait out there while you get dressed." My face flamed hot.

She laughed. "Okay love, but just know, you can't be afraid of my bed forever. It won't eat you." She winked as I slid past her.

I huffed. "It's not the bed I'm worried about!" I called as she shut the door, dimming her laughter slightly.

I wandered the house while she changed, content to just be in her space. I was standing by the living room window when warm arms wrapped around my middle. I could feel her soft lips press a kiss to my neck. I sank greedily into her embrace, a smile pulling at my lips.

"That was fast." I murmured.

"It sure was," Caleb growled.

I spun around, jerking away as my breath seized in my chest. I struggled to push out strangled gasps.

But I was only met with concerned blue eyes, and soft gentle hands.

"Shay?" Her worried voice barely reached my ears over the sound of my blood rushing to my head. Her face swam in front of my eyes, and I leaned on the windowsill for support, feeling the nausea build.

"I'm going crazy." I choked, tears spilling over my cheeks as I cupped my head, a splitting headache hitting my skull with the force of a sledgehammer.

"Hey, hey," She soothed, her fingers pulling my hands away from my face. She wiped my tears away with her thumbs. "Talk to me, what's going on?"

"I-I thought I was getting better but just now when you spoke I heard Caleb's voice. I'm going crazy." I trembled, staring at her with fear-filled eyes. Instead of exasperation, irritation, or anger, I only found a deep sense of love and understanding.

"Oh baby." She pulled me into her arms, stroking my hair as she murmured soft endearments in her own language. I breathed in her scent, cinnamon and apple. She was safe, she was home.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed into her shirt.

She pulled back and cupped my face, looking deep into my eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for, nothing. What he did to you is a violation to both your mind and your body. It'll take a while to heal."

She wiped away my tears, a soft smile crossing her lips. "And I'll be here. You're not alone, he can't touch you anymore."

I bit my lip, nodding. "Okay."

She bent down, pressing her mouth to mine. All memories, aches, and pains of Caleb vanished. It was just her and me.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but here's a chapter for you 😊 I hope you like it! Don't forget to comment/vote! Love you guys!

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