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I arrived early at school the next morning, the near-empty parking lot attested to that. Don't ask me why, as I'm sure you already have an idea as to why a seventeen year old high school student would ever wake up willingly early.

The air hissed at me as I pulled off my helmet and released a breath, most of it visible in the cold atmosphere.

I shivered, pulling my long hair over one shoulder and shrugging my jacket further over my shoulders. I was wearing my favorite knee-high boots and skinny jeans, you know, the ones that made my butt look awesome. Or maybe that was just me.

The upstairs consisted of a light brown leather jacket with wool outlining the inside, and a black off-the-shoulder blouse with little iridescent arrowheads scattered all over the front.

My make up was light and easy. Honestly I don't know how girls go all-out with their make-up. By the end of the day I just felt oily and gross.

Today was an odd day because it was late start due to the icy roads. Instead of starting at 8:30, classes started at 9:30. Meaning that guess what? Miss Conner had an entire period to herself this morning.

What? I wasn't gonna lose the advantage that came with getting her alone.

Shaking my head at my irrational and disdainful attraction to her, I proceeded to walk into the school.

Just as I was turning up the stairs, I caught a familiar voice and ducked back around, my back against the wall.

"You idiot! You almost killed that girl and now the police are sniffing around?" A shiver went down my spine at the malice in the person's tone.

"I-I'm sorry! You told me-" A hard slamming sound echoed down the hallway, making me jump. I assumed someone had just been slammed into a locker.

"I didn't tell you shit! You were supposed to drug her so we could do our thing but you let her get away and I beat the shit out of her to ensure she wouldn't talk! You better keep your fucking mouth shut and fix this!"

The voices faded down the hallway, but I stood there for a while, processing what I just heard. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed my mom, my fingers shaking.

"Shay? Is everything alright?" Worry was clear in her voice.

I never called her during the day because she was usually in surgery, but I knew right now she was just starting her shift.

"Mom? Is that girl okay?"

"What girl- oh! The one from the other day? Honey you know I can't discuss patient information with you-"

"Mom I know that but I think I just overheard some boys at my school talking about what they did to her."

Her voice changed from worry to shock. "What? Are you sure? These are serious allegations, Shay."

I proceeded to tell her what I'd heard and she said she'd talk to the police, warning me that they'd probably want to talk to me as well.

I said okay and was just hanging up when a body came around the corner, his aftershave distinctive. "Hey doll." A smirk pulled across his face as he looked me up and down, whistling appreciatively. "My my, don't we look pretty today. What are you doing hanging out in this dusty old corner?"

His eyes narrowed suspiciously and I tried hard not to let myself play into his cat and mouse game. "I had to meet with one of my teachers to go over a paper. What about you Caleb? How interesting to be slamming into you at such an early hour."

Chasing Miss Conner •NEW VERSION•Where stories live. Discover now