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"So what are you going to do?" I spoke into the general direction of my phone from where it sat on my bathroom counter.

Genny's voice came through the speakers loud and clear, causing me to wince and nearly smear eyeliner across my face.

"Well luckily my insurance covers it, but I wont get my car back until next week. Any chance I could bunk with you on your bike?"

My lips quirked up in an amused smile as I capped my eyeliner and exchanged it for my mascara. "You just want your chance to cop a feel." I accused.

She gasped, the sound slightly static-y through the phone. "How dare- okay, you caught me." She laughed. I finished up the rest of my makeup and fluffed my hair. I chose to straighten it today, so it fell smoothly down my back and over my shoulders.

"But back to what I was saying, you're not going to go after him right?" After the incident occurred, we called the police and they took our statements. I didn't give them the note, although I knew I should have. But if I did, things could get a lot worse and the fear of that continued to send me down the path of poor decision-making and judgement calls.

"I thought about it, especially since that car is my baby, but no. To do so would be outright stupid on my part because that's exactly what he wants. He wants us to react with irresponsibility, and I'm not going to give him that."

I nodded, forgetting that she couldn't see me. "Good. For now lets just play it off as if we didn't even see the note. Let him know right away that he's not getting under our skin."

She agreed. "Hey I gotta finish getting ready, pick me up in 15?"

"Sure, see you soon." We hung up and I stood there for a moment, looking at myself through the mirror.

"We are so screwed." I exited my bathroom with a sigh, flipping off the light switch on my way out.

I made it to Genny's house in record time, setting my helmet on the seat of my bike and shoving my hands into the worn pockets of my favorite leather jacket. My converse slapped against the concrete as I made my way towards the cute little yellow house in front of me. It was a two story, with white trim and a dark grey roof. Smoke rose happily from the chimney.

I knocked on the door and I rocked back on heels, wondering what Genny's family would think of me.

I didn't have to wonder long, the door opening in front of me and breaking through my thoughts. An almost comically short woman stood in front of me, balancing a small demon on her hip. The little boy's deep brown eyes seemed to bore right into mine, before he suddenly opened up his mouth, threw is head back, and screamed.

The woman rolled her eyes at the infant and smiled at me, sticking out her hand. "Hi you must be Shay. Please excuse my screaming child." I laughed and gripped her hand, admiring her strong grip as we shook.

"You can come in if you'd like, although I completely understand if you don't want to." I smiled politely.

"I'd love to."

The second I stepped into house, a voice rang out. "Mom! Please tell me you haven't drug Shay to the boutique to try on wedding dresses!" The voice grew closer the louder it got. "Because for the last time," She paused as she came around the corner, a wide smile spreading across her face. Standing side by side, I couldn't deny that Genny and her mom looked eerily identical. More sister-ish than mom and daughter. They both had short black hair and thin figures. The only difference between the two was that Genny had a more eccentric look to her, whereas her mom looked more ordinary and mom-ish. "Despite my charm and irresistible looks, we really are just friends."

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