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I pulled into the Starbucks parking lot at five thirty, traffic was horrible this afternoon. I should've known, with school getting out for the day and whatnot. I shook my hair out of my helmet, wincing as I ran my hand through it to dispel the tangles. I regretted my decision to take it out of the braids.

I spotted Genny's candy apple red Jetta as I walked inside, immediately spotting my long-legged friend from where she sat on the bar-like seats, chatting up a cute redhead. Come to think of it, said redhead was currently biting her lip and squeezing her crossed legs together. I nearly laughed out loud.

"Hey." I spoke as I joined them, flashing an apologetic smile at the girl for interrupting their conversation.

"Oh hey babe!" Genny greeted me.

I raised my brows at the babe part but she just grinned mischievously. "So nice of you to join us." Her arm wrapped around my waist.

Oh, that was just mean.

"Yeah I know, traffic was horrible. I'm going to grab a coffee, you want anything?" I looked between the two, who both shook their heads.

I leaned down and kissed Genny on the cheek, causing her to sputter through the sentence she'd been trying to say. "See you in a sec, babe." I said it loud enough to draw the attention of a few people around us.

I waltzed away, keeping my ear trained on the conversation. All at once I heard a slapping sound and a shrill voice screech, "You have a girlfriend?!" And I laughed so hard I thought I'd fall over. The occupants in the cafe laughed as they watched the scene.

Genny fake gasped, putting a hand to her chest in mock hurt and surprise. "Oh my god! As if I couldn't see the ring on your left hand!" She rolled her eyes as she woman got up, grabbing her things. "Just a bit of advice love, if you're going to hit on someone, don't do it like that." Ginger just huffed, her face nearly as red as her hair as she all but ran towards the door.

"And you have terrible taste in music!" She yelled as the redhead stormed out, the glass doors slamming.

She joined me a minute later, a lazy smile on her face. My laughter had subsided to giggles, but I scolded her anyway. "That was a horrible thing to do." I tried to make my face stern but one look at her and I just dissolved into laughter again.

"What can I say?" She shrugged, not the slightest bit ashamed. "I don't stand for that shit."

"Same." Genny smiled sadly at me. "Your dad is a real asshole for creating someone as beautiful as you and not staying around to watch her break hearts."

My brow furrowed, her words really hit home for some reason. But I mustered up a sad laugh. "Yeah well, it is what it is."

We made it to the front counter and I looked at her. "What do you want? I'm buying." She laughed.

"You know you didn't really have to buy right? I was totally kidding."

I gave her a look and she surrendered, narrowing her eyes at the menu. Her nose wrinkled up in disgust. "God what is this, Mean Girls? All these drinks just remind me of women with fake spray tans and anorexia. I'll just take a sixteen ounce drip coffee."

I shook my head at her and ordered mine, a sixteen ounce caramel vanilla latte with one shot. I don't really enjoy Starbucks coffee, it's too bitter and I don't think they grind up their coffee very well.

"Your total comes to $13.60." The girl at the register said. I handed her a twenty and gave her my name so we knew which coffees were ours.

"That'll be up in five or so minutes."

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