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"Will you hurry up?!" I yelled up the stairs for the millionth time, tapping my booted foot at the bottom of the stairs. My brows nearly rose into my hairline as a scowling Genny finally descended, running her hand down the bannister while she descended down the stairs excruciatingly slowly. A cocky smirk played at her lips as she stopped in front of me, flipping a few wisps of hair out of her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you have a hot date or something?" Her grin grew wider as my phone chimed happily from inside my purse. I pursed my lips, leveling her with my best glare, the tempo of my tapping foot increasing.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I do. That is if you can move your ass before it's 2025." I snarked, turning towards the door. I heard her chuckle behind me as she followed and had to repress my own smile. For all her quirkiness and aloof behavior, I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. I grabbed my coat off the hanger on our way out, digging my keys out of the pocket. The cold air hit me first, before I let loose a startled scream at the take no shit, leave no survivors woman standing on my doorstep, her hand resting quite comfortably on the grip of her weapon.

Officer Becks raised her eyebrows at me over the rim of her dark sunglasses, her lips twitching in amusement. "Y-you scared me." I breathed, my face burning in mortification.

"I can see that." Since she was wearing glasses, I couldn't read her expression as well, but as she shifted towards Genny, something in me said she was checking out my best friend. "Genevieve." She greeted. I choked on shock at the sound of Genny's full name leaving her mouth.

Cringing, I braced for war, but my jaw nearly came unhinged and fell to the floor when Gen just winked back at her, her gaze trailing up and down the woman's curves without shame. "Becks, you're looking mighty sexy this fine morning." A strangled noise left my mouth at their casual banter. Genny has pretty much been with me this whole time the last three days, since I was kind of on house arrest for my "protection." So where did she find the time to get so comfortable with Mrs. Scary Cop Lady? I skewered Genny with a look, but my sneaky best friend just blinked innocently at me. I shook my head in exasperation before returning my attention to the Officer Becks, who rolled her eyes in response.

My hip leaned against the doorframe as I schooled my expression into one of calmness. "Something I help you with Officer?"

Her blue eyes sharped on my face as she rose her sunglasses, perching them on her head. "I just wanted to let you know that I will be following you to and from your destination. Don't worry, I don't lag. I'll just sit in my car. But I'm afraid until we catch Mr. Ryce, there's no getting out of it." I chewed my lip nervously, cursing on the inside. I couldn't exactly tell a police officer that I was meeting my teacher who's also my girlfriend, for coffee.

So I worked around it.

Smiling, I waved my hand in a oh that's fine gesture. "No worries, I'm just meeting my English teacher so she can catch me up on my school work. Do I have to ride with you?" Her eyes strayed from me to the bike parked at the curb, and the soft snowfall around us.

"I would prefer it. As you can imagine, the aftermath of motorcycle accidents are bitch to clean up." I winced at the gruesome picture she painted, once more cursing my bad luck. I jumped slightly as Genny slung her arm over my shoulder, barely whispering a "follow my lead"  before plastering a smile on her face.

"Sure thing, you're the boss." She drawled. I glared at my best friend as we followed Officer Becks out of my house and into the quiet neighborhood. Her sleek SUV stood out from where it was parked at the curb, the soft rumble of the engine made even me wish my bike had a heated crotch. I elbowed Genny's side as she very openly oogled Beck's ass before we climbed into her car. My knee bounced impatiently as I tried to think through how I was going to talk to Juliette with Scary Cop breathing down my neck. The remainder of the ride consisted of Genny growling at me under her breath for my bouncing knee while she shamelessly flirted with Becks. When we finally pulled into the Starbuck's parking lot I all but flew out of the car, not even feeling guilty when Genny cursed and scrambled after me.

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