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Me: I'm going to gouge my eardrums out if Mr. Labrant talks about safe sex again. This is history, not sex ed. I don't care about "safety in numbers" during the revolution or whatever the hell he's talking about.

Genny: OMG right. Like it's bad enough that the dude has bigger boobs than me. Honestly he's probably still a virgin.

I snorted, covering it up with a cough as I shook my head and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I met Genny's eyes from across the room and saw she was trying not to laugh.

"Alright class, that continues our unit on "Population Control in the 1800's." I had to work hard to not let the eye twitch that was coming on show on my face. I seriously didn't know how this guy made it through college.

Mr. Labrant was a balding forty-something that looked like he belonged in his mother's basement and wallowed in a sewer on his free time. The man had some wicked B.O.

"We will resume tomorrow, class is dismissed." Genny and I hurried out, all but plugging our noses as we squeezed by him. 

"Ugh that man seriously needs an upgrade on personal hygiene." I shivered with disgust.

Genny agreed.

"Where are you headed now?" She asked as we stopped by our lockers. I raised a brow at her.

"Don't we have art today?" She gave me an odd look. "No, remember? Ms. Day is gone and couldn't find a sub so we have a free period."

My forehead crinkled as I thought. "I don't remember hearing that. Are you just trying to skip?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She raised her hands in the air, laughing. "No! Although you know everyone already will. Ms. Day is wayyy too trusting." I had to agree there. Anyone who gave a class of high school students a "free period" and expected them to actually go to that class was crazy.

I decided to believe her. Genny may look like Joan Jett crossed with Katy Perry, but she didn't act like that. Underneath the eyeliner and various assortment of piercings and rudeness, and baggy black clothes, was a sweet person who hated to slack.

"Alright." I laughed, grabbing a book out of my locker. I wasn't a big reader, but Cassandra Claire had captured my heart in her book; The Clockwork Angel. I was a big fan of fantasy and even thought of writing a couple books of my own but I knew I wouldn't be very diligent with keeping up on it.

"I've gotta meet with Miss Conner." Genny shot me a questioning look. "She has a free period and I want to go over that paper. How about we meet at Union Gap around 4? I want some new jeans." I explained and she nodded.

"Oh okay. That sounds good! Gives me time to take a nap." She grinned.

I laughed and shook my head. "See you later dude."

She waved at me and we parted ways. I made my way to the second floor, my heart already pumping eagerly at the knowledge of seeing Miss Conner again. Our banter yesterday morning hadn't been forgotten and my spirits lifted at the thought of hearing her beautiful laugh again. I made my way through the crowded hallways of hell and finally made it to her door. I was just about to knock when I heard an angry voice yell from inside.

"This is bullshit!" I knew immediately who had spoken and it was all I could do to keep from busting into the classroom. "I deserve better on this! You can't give me a D+ on something that doesn't have any mistakes."

Miss Conner's voice came through loud and clear. Not because she'd shouted, but because it was laced so thick with venom, I was shaking.

"Mr. Ryce, I suggest you re-think the way you're speaking to me unless you'd like to spend the rest of the year in suspension. That would put a bit of a damper on your scholarship, now wouldn't it?"

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