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"All right class," Ms. Day announced when we were about a third through with our sculptures. "Let's start cleaning up. There's only 5 minutes left today." I glanced over at Genny's (turns out we have three classes together) sculpture that looked like it was carved out of marble, before returning to mine with a frown. It was supposed to be the Eiffel Tower but to be honest it just looked like a limp dick.

With a sigh I cleaned up my area and moved to the cubbies where we stored our sculptures. I shot Genny a warning look as I put mine up. She all but shit herself trying not to laugh. "Not a word." I growled.

Smartly, she kept quiet.

"Hang out tonight?" Genny asked as she headed out. I nodded, holding up my phone. "Yes! Text me and I'll send you my address." She sent me a thumbs up as she slid out of the classroom, a minute early may I add.

I winced as the shrill bell pierced through the air, hurrying out of the classroom in a desperate attempt to escape rush hour traffic. My head was down as I hurried through the doorway, which is why I didn't see the hulking mass of teenage boy before my nose slammed into his chest.

"Ow." I grumbled, rubbing the sore appendage as I stepped back to glare at the dumb jock in front of me.

"Hey." He flashed dimples at me behind dark green eyes, flipping his dark chocolate hair out of his face. Classic douchebag move. I briefly ran my gaze over him, reluctantly noting that he was pretty attractive with his muscled arms and chiseled features. I don't like labels, although I'm sure its more than obvious to y'all that I'm bisexual.

"Um why are you in my way?" I grouched, my hands falling to my hips as I glared at him. Surprisingly my bitch attitude didn't scare him off. He stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Caleb Ryce. I would get down on one knee but I feel like that would be too forward." His eyes glittered with mirth.

His response prompted a shocked laugh. "O-okay well that's a new one." I gripped his hand hesitantly. His fingertips were rough and calloused. "Violin?" I questioned. His mouth opened in surprise. "Yeah three years. How did you know that?"

"Piano, nine and a half. I know the music scene." I grinned.

"Impressive. So, where are you headed now?" He asked as we walked towards the school doors.

I quirked a brow. "I was going to go around town and apply to some jobs, why?" He shrugged and bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay well I know this is kinda awkward and creepy because it's your first day but do you want to go out with me sometime?" It was too adorable how he babbled on with a pink tint to his cheeks.

I laughed and nodded. "If it'll help you relax, sure." He chuckled.

"Ok, so, Friday at 5?" I thought it over, just to make him squirm, before flashing him a smile. "Sure, sounds good."

He walked backwards, sending me a small wave. "Don't you need my number?" I called out. He grinned and flashed me a wink. "Nah, takes the fun out of things!"

I shook my head and turned, and for the third time today, ran into something. Except this time this something had piercing blue eyes and a halo for hair. "Miss Conner." I stuttered as she smirked down at me. "I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you there."

"Is this going to become a habit, Miss Daniels?" She chuckled. Fire blazed in my cheeks as I shook my head. I hope so.

"It's quite alright. At least it wasn't my car door this time." Her eyes flashed to my forehead and I could tell she wanted to brush my hair back again. My fingers flew up to the sore spot and I couldn't contain the wince.

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