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"So....I had a heart attack?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at the perky blond doctor before me. Dr. Robbins was one of the best pediatric surgeons in the country. She was a legend.

She shook her head. "Not quite love. The leaky valve on your heart collapsed, sending your heart into overdrive as it tried to make up for the loss. This caused your heart to stop and re-start in the span of a few seconds, throwing your body into overdrive."

"Will she have to have surgery?" My mom spoke from where she leaned against the wall across from my bed. The little multicolored scrub cap she wore was the only color in the room apart from her dark blue attending scrubs. Her face was pulled into a nonchalant expression, housing the feelings of turmoil burning on the inside.

Dr. Robbins flicked her gaze to my mom's for a moment. "That is a big possibility, but as of right this minute, her vitals are stable. We will continue to monitor her the next few days."

"Hmm, very well." My mom's eyes narrowed in thought. "I want a security guard at her door at all times. No one goes in and out without permission."

Dr. Robbins nodded. "Of course. I can imagine how scary this is for you." She motioned for the two of them to move into the hallway.

My heart flickered for a moment as I panicked. Miss Conner was supposed to come by in a little while and help me with the essay she assigned to the class. It's been three days since she was last here, and I was itching to see her again. She managed to convinced me to tell my mom about the note, and what Caleb did to me. She was over the roof when she found out, demanding that the police find the son of a bitch and arrest him.

But conveniently, he was no where to be found.

I listened to them talk for a bit, but my eyes were growing too tired to stay open.

I must've fallen asleep, because the next time I opened my eyes they were gone. It must've been much later in the evening, approaching 7 or 8 because it was dark outside.

And the all-black clad form of my best friend was right in front of me, her eyes staring into mine from where she leaned on her elbows.

I squeaked in surprise and jerked back, wincing as my chest pulled uncomfortably. "Shit dude," I complained. "You scared me."

Genny snorted. "I should be the one that's scared. You look like shit." She grinned as I stuck my tongue out at her.


She offered a one-shoulder shrug in response. "Hey, if I don't kill a man every now and then, they forget who I am."

I blinked at her. "Did you just quote Black Beard? And that doesn't even work with this situation."

She flicked me on the nose, prompting an annoyed growl out of me as I rubbed the stung appendage.

"I guess you don't want this then." She held up a steaming coffee with neatly written script on it that spelled out peppermint mocha.

My mouth automatically watered as I eyed the delicious-smelling drink. I groped for it, opening and closing my fingers. "Gimme, gimme, gimme."

She laughed, holding the drink just out of reach before taking pity on me and handing it over. "Mmm." I closed my eyes, sighing in approval.

"I think I might love you." I made to take a sip when a voice sounded from the doorway, nearly causing me to spill my drink all over the place.

"Well, that's insulting." She purred. My eyes snapped open, taking in the woman at the foot of my bed. My eyes perused her form, noting with interest that she was in a suit. An almost masculine suit. Her long hair was tossed up in a tight bun, her face free of makeup, with the exception of mascara. My chest fluttered into laughter as I noticed the two coffee cups in her hands.

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