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Twenty Four

"Where are you taking me?" I laughed as she led me around the corner. We'd been shopping for a little while, but it made me nervous so Juliette finally gave in and was now leading me out of the JC Penny's. I was worried that someone would see us together and cause a scene. That was the last thing we needed, especially since there was already one psychopath after us. I struggled to see through the gaps in her fingers as she inched me forward. Not that I could see much, since it was nearing nighttime. It was hard to not focus on the way her body was pressed against the length of mine. "Here!" She unveiled my eyes, and I immediately blinked as I took in the scene.

My mouth opened in shock as I took in the beautiful Japanese garden. Twinkling fairy lights were decorated throughout the trees and along the rails of the little red bridge. The sound of the running water was soothing. "This is beautiful." I breathed, taking a hesitant step forward, my fingers reaching for the railing. My skin pulsed as Juliette placed her hand against my lower back to steady me.

"I thought you'd like it." I turned to catch her smile, feeling my breath catch as the soft glow of the white lights fell across her perfect features.

"I do, very much so." I whispered, allowing my gaze to fall on her lips. In my frustration, I chewed mercilessly on my own lower lip. I couldn't kiss her here, but the way she was looking at me tempted me beyond belief.

I watched her struggle with her desire before she swallowed and changed the subject. "Ah, my grandfather used to bring me here. It was his favorite place. My grandmother is Japanese-American, and she always loved these little gardens."

I guessed that her grandfather was the biological relation. Juliette's fingers wound around my own as she reached over to brush the petals of a brilliant purple flower. Even in the dark lighting I could see it's beautiful color and butterfly petals.

"There's not many of these gardens in the Pacific Northwest. During the colder seasons they actually remove some of the flowers because they can't survive the cold climate." Watching her talk was entrancing, the way her eyes lit up with factual pleasure, the way her lips curled up at the corners. I vowed to memorize every part of her face.

We perused the garden for a while. Every time we passed a flower I didn't recognize, Juliette was happy to educate me on it. "I didn't realize you knew so much about flowers."

Her eyes smiled down at me, shivers wracking my frame as she splayed her hand across the small of my back. "I spent much of my childhood with my grandparents, since my parents weren't really around much."

"Are you an only child?" Her smile seemed to waver a bit, her hand withdrawing from my back. Her cerulean eyes had deep shadows within them, almost like thunderclouds. I backpedalled immediately, feeling like I'd pried too much. She shook her head, halting my apology.

"Of my parent's marriage, yes. I am an only child. On my mother's side, no. I have a half-brother. His name is Riley. He used to live at the manor with me, but he was sent away when he was 18. I haven't seen him in five years." Those thunderclouds grew darker with every word she spoke. The fairly lights danced around us and in her eyes they shot like lighting. I wound my fingers around hers, the instinctual need to comfort driving me forward. Juliette took a deep, shuttering breath, her eyelids fluttering.

"He's a horrible person." The words were quiet, as if she were trying to keep from shouting, or like she was afraid of someone hearing them.

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