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I had to set this straight. I have to sit down and talk with Daniel and Zach at the same time, weather they like it or not. I don't even know if Daniel likes me. Maybe it was just a spur of the moment kiss and he feels nothing, but with my luck I bet I'm wrong. I know Zach likes, or apparently loves me. I like Zach and want to be with him, but I want to set things straight with Daniel. Make sure there are no hard feelings.

After Zach left I cried. In my best friends arms I played for 20 minutes because I was emotionally confused, not because he said he loved me. I like Zach a lot and wanted to tell him I felt the same way, but he walked out. I called and uber to come get me and without saying a word, I got up, wiped me cheeks, and walked out the door. My uber was already outside. I was on my way to the why don't we boys house when I sent Emma a text to let her know what I was doing.

Going to figure things out. You ok there alone?

Of course, do what you need💖.

I doubt Kendall feels anything for me, she would have said something, or stopped me right? I was confused and angry at myself. I might have ruined my friendship with her and Daniel. What would this mean for why don't we? I talked to nobody who greeted me when I got home. I simply walked straight upstairs to Daniels room, where he sat on Instagram. "We need to talk, now." I said with my eyes about to have tears fall. "I know we do, this is about Kendall yeah?" He knew I loved her, and still went after her. I wanted to punch something. A wall, Daniel, jack standing and listening to our conversation to the left, something. I grip my fist. "You like her don't you? You know I love her right?" not holding back any tears, I snapped and threw my phone against the wall. "Calm down dude! I can't help it im sorry but I love her, and she will have to choose." I hated him. I wanted to walk over and strangle him for saying that. He loves her. He didn't tell me anything, I had to force it out of him. "You worthless piece of crap, you knew I loved her and still went for her. I love her, ok do you get that? I poured my heart and soul into you and you betrayed me! I hate you!" I had no filter anymore. He got up from his bed and pushed me back against the wall. "Chill out dude, there is nothing we can do, im being honest and your being dramatic. Don't yell at me because she doesn't feel the same way!" He had crossed the line. It all started to unfold, I punched him right in the jaw so hard my hand popped. He tackled me and I kicked and punched at him. He punched me in the eye and I blacked out. What have I done with myself? I am nothing.

I was listening to Daniel and Zach argue over Kendall and then out of no where I look over to see Daniel push Zach. I get up and start waking towards the bedroom where they were. Next thing I knew Daniel was on Zach punching him repeatedly until Zach gave up. He blacked out and Daniel kept hitting him. "Hey Daniel stop! He is hurt!" I scream and I run in the room. I struggle to pull Daniel off of Zach and he lays there unconscious. Corbyn rushes upstairs to help calm Daniel down and learn what happened. Jonas shortly after. Aspen called the police and started getting bags of ice for Zachs bruises. Then we heard a knock on the door.

I get there and knock on the door. Jonas answers it with a worried look on his face. He quickly pulls me inside of the house and shuts the door, looking left to right before he does. "What's going on? Im here to talk to Zach and Daniel." I said with a confused look on my face. "Zach is blacked out upstairs because Daniel attacked him! They were fighting and he got out of control. I don't know what about but my guess is that you being here right now isn't good." he yelled at me at first until he realized the situation going on. I was shocked. I wanted to push jonah out of the way and run upstairs to help Zach, but I know I couldn't. I know exactly why they fought and its all my fault. "Goodbye jonah." I say without looking at him. I turned around and waved at my uber not to drive away. I knew I had to go home and now want the best time for me to make things worse. So I went right back home to my bestfriend.

I walk back upstairs after Kendall leaves and the boys ask me who it was. "Just a stupid mail man." I said lying. I knew why they fought and didn't want to make the situation worse by telling them Kendall was here to confront unconscious Zach and angry Daniel. Daniel got up and walked away. I don't know where because he didn't say anything, butnit want good for him to be alone this angry.

I come to and aspen immediatly gives me a huge hug when she sees im ok. "Ow Aspen my head." I rubbed it after our hug. "Daniel hit you pretty hard, but you were brave Zach." I didn't need her sugar coding the fact that I totally last the fight. Daniel knocked me out before i could even get a good throat punch on him. I still hated him and wouldn't  be talking to him for a while. The police showed up with a medic and I had a broken ring finger, my rib was cracked, and a black eye. It was so embarrising, and Daniel was apparently no where to be found to my amussment. I didn't want him here, I would have tried to hit him again, not caring what he would do. I told the police that a dog attacked me and ran, because I didn't want the news to find out we fought. Daniel was hated, even Corbyn was a little mad because he agrees it was messed up for him to go for the girl I love. I as taken to the hospital and they gave my a brace for my rib. Daniel hadn't contacted anybody since he walked on of the house, saying nothing. I didnt care, I just didnt want him anywhere near kendall. I would kill him if he ever touched her again.

{Ill write the rest tomorrow but the word count was 1111 and I didn't want to ruin it lol. Bagel squad for life, got two new books coming soon. Wait what?😊😊

Kendall: Mine or Yours? // Why Don't We // Daniel And ZachWhere stories live. Discover now