District 6

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- - - Dominic Gates' P.O.V - - -

Well I think as I enter District 6. Back to my home again. I recall the memories of when I was 10. My parents and I had lived in District 6, but decided to escape back to the Capitol. We had managed to jump onto the back of a train leading to the Capitol and were smuggled into my grandparents house.

The reason I ended up I District 6 was a whole different story. My thoughts recollect to what my parents had told me... When I was little I accidentally was transported to district 6 where a family found me and took pity of me. They took care of me for almost a year before my parents showed up in District 6 and we stayed there until I was 10. On my 10th birthday I was told that we were to return to the Capitol, where we belonged. Apparently my parents had this planned out for a while and we escaped that very day. Everything somehow went unnoticed, only the family who took care of me knew.

I am snapped back to reality as I see the crowd of potential tributes waiting anxiously. I drift off again as I think how my own children would be among the children waiting to see if they are picked for an almost death sentence if I had not fled back to the Capitol. Cut it! I think to myself, focus! I make my announcements and play the video, while playing the video I think... oh great, what if one of the tributes who is picked is related to the family who took care of me? They would never forgive me! And, in fact, I don't think I would forgive myself. After all, it is my hands that chose their fate.

I dig my hand into the female bowl and read out the name...

"Scarlette Myers"

A medium sized 13 year old girl with freckly skin and strawberry blond hair worn in two high buns walks to the stage, silent tears pouring out of her blue eyes.

A mean side of my is glad that I had no idea who this person is, although I instantly feel sorry for her. I imagine myself at the same age, being force to fight to death. I would be scared out of my wits.

I dig my hand into the male tributes bowl hoping against hope as I fish out a name...

"Carter Phillips".

Oh no, oh no, oh no. Phillips... that's the name. I have just done what I had feared.

Carter walks nervously up to the stage, he is small sized with pale skin who has short black hair and black eyes. An
exact replica of what I remember his grandfather looked like, apart from the fact that he is only 15.

As I lead the tributes into the justice building I am furious at my parents for making be take on this job. I never wanted anything to do with the hunger games, I wanted to join the battle the districts had against the Capitol, I think that it is cruel and a huge waste of innocent life's, and as I know for a fact life's that are much more caring and tolerant.

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