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I woke up in my bed feeling like shit and didn't want to get up. "Summer, get up it's your first day of school!" The enthusiasm in Oliver's voice sent shivers down my spine as I cringed. My foster "dad" Oliver walked into my room and pulled the covers off of me. I hated being here, they were nice to me but I just don't like the vibe. I got up, not feeling like arguing since I'm still not used these people. I opened the door to the bathroom. I walked into the room and looked at myself in the mirror and wanted to puke. The acne on my face, and the tired eyes. I just looked wrong, I was probably a mistake which is why my parents put me up for adoption.

After I finished getting ready I went down to the kitchen and sat down in the counter seat. They put cereal in front of me. "So, how did you sleep?" Marissa asks me and I just shrug causing her to sigh. You made her upset, they're going to send you back. I slowly eat my cereal and when I finished I headed out the door with my foster "mom" Marissa and she drove me to school. The day before we went school supply shopping at Staples and they get me pencils, pens and paper.

When we arrived at the front yard of the school, Marisa waved goodbye as I got out of the car. I walked to the front door of the school and slowly, cautiously pushed it open. A few weeks before I got a slip of paper with locker info and schedules for my classes. I searched for the locker and found it about 5 minutes after.

I attempted to do the code but struggled miserably. I felt stressed and anxious to ask someone for help. So I figured it out on my own. After a while of turning to lock, I finally got it open. I looked at the time and the bell was about to ring. I quickly shoved everything in and got the supplies I needed for the first few classes.

I quickly and anxiously looked for my homeroom class and I, surprise couldn't find it anywhere. I wanted to go home so bad, I felt super nervous.

"Hey, are you looking for your class?" I girl about my age asked me. I nodded my head and showed her which class I needed to go to. "That's my homeroom too!" She announced enthusiastically. I just nodded my head not making eye contact. We walked to the class together, and awkward silence the whole way there. She gestured me to sit next to her and I just nodded. Maybe I could make a new friend!

"Good morning students! Special announcement, we have a new student!" The teacher proclaimed. I don't know why it mattered since it was the first day for everyone. But I guess they all know each other. "Ok, why don't you tell us your name, and three things about you," the teacher gestured me to stand up. Great! I slowly stood up from my seat.

"U-uh hi, my name is Summer. Three things about me, umm. Well I like m-music, I sorta like drawing and I like cats," I wanted to die, legit drop dead. The teacher smiled and I sat back down. I laid my head down on the desk.

"You said you liked music, eh?" The teacher asked. I looked up and nodded. "What music do you listen to?" Are you kidding me, she had to ask that?!!!

"Uh-uh I like musicals, and maybe sorta rap." Shit, good job Summer. Now she's gonna ask what musical and rapper. And that's exactly what happened.

"I uh like the musical, uh I uh," you're fucked up now. JUST SAY IT! I kept yelling at myself.

"It's ok you don't have to say it," the teacher said, a sign of extreme relief poured out of my mouth. I heard a few kids chuckle, but that's ok.

-----Time Skip--------

I finally made it to my locker, after trying to get through the flood of students. The school bell had rung. I shoved all my books in my locker. I exited the school and started to walk home since Marisa couldn't drive me. I looked down at my feet not looking where I was going. Bam. I fell to the ground with a thud. OW!

"Shit! I am so sorry!" I mumbled. I looked up a little and they had put out there hand to help me up. I took the hand awkwardly, cringing to myself. I got up and caught a glimpse of the human who helped me up. "I am so sorry!" I managed to say, mentally facepalmed. He was really tall and had poofy hair.

"It's fine," he exclaimed, and I just nodded once again. He waved as I quickly shuffled away. I started humming Hamilton. Then I realized I wasn't that far away from him. "Nice music," he said as I blushed in embarrassment. I ran away without thinking.

IM SORRY THIS IS SHIT. I DONT KNOW What TO WRITE SO ILL WRITE SHIT. I also didn't edit this since I was somewhat rushed to get this out. Ok goodbye, Fam.

Ok i edited this too

Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now