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I shot up in bed, panting from a nightmare. I felt sweat slowly dripping down my face as I tried to fill my desperate lungs with air. I pulled the damp hair out of my face, head throbbing like my skull was trying to break through my forehead. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, rubbing my eyes. Unwanted light spilling through small slits in the blinds, indicating it was later in the day. My bear toes hit the floor, sending chills through my spine as I stood up. I steady myself before walking out of the room. I listened over the railing of the stairs and it sounded like Rafa was here. I was filled with slight excitement since Rafa was really fun to hang around. I smiled... I was about to walk down the stairs but then I heard words— that hurt more than a bullet piercing through skin.

"I have to send her back eventually—" Those words rang through my ears like a loud alarm snapping me back to reality. Tears quickly spilled from my wide eyes. Not again— I can't deal with this again— I sobbed silently on the top of the stairs not bothering to listen to the rest of the conversation. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door, sobbing more locking the door with a click.

I yelled at myself for thinking he would actually keep me. No one has— no one fucking cares about me. I can't be sent back— I can't keep continuing this mother fucking cycle!!

Trigger warning yall

I looked through the cabinets in the bathroom quickly. Slamming and opening different cabinets in search for my freedom. Dropping things in the process. I Picked up some old looking medication and tried reading the smudged label through teary eyes and shaking hands. I struggled taking off the cap (stupid child proof caps) the pills jingled in the plastic container alarming me of my fate. Popping off the cap, throwing it onto the ground somewhere, dumping half the pills into my hands and chucking them in my mouth; I swallowed.

Hands shaking as I impatiently waited for death to call out my name. I felt dizzy but the pills weren't enough. I searched everywhere for the blade, in and out of reality as my vision became worse. It was taking too long.

A sigh of relief escaped from my lungs when I found the same old blade that I used before. I turned on the faucet of the bathtub, filling the tub just about halfway before slipping in, still wearing my clothes. My clothes stuck to my skin as I slowly but eagerly brought the sharp blade to my wrist.

I slid the blade across my wrist like it was nothing, pain shot through me and I started breathing heavy. Blood pouring out of the newly created wound as I  brought the blade to my other arm, Doing the same.

I wouldn't fucking die fast enough. I wanted to die. Why wouldn't I just fucking die!

I heard a sudden knock barley making me jump. I didn't answer.

Fucking die faster. My vision became blurry and I started fading out.

Another knock. "Summer?" Daveed then tried to open the door, turning the handle aggressively. "Summer? Open the door—."

I ignored everything, I was so close to freedom





Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now