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"Summer!! Get your lazy ass down here!! You're gonna be late for school!!" Daveed called up the stairs, not sounding terribly mad. The noise, though being muffled by my face buried in the pillow, caused me to feel more awake. I slowly got up, despite not wanting to, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm up I'm up!" I called down beginning to get ready. I checked the time on my phone. "SHIT!!" I whisper yelled realizing school was just around the corner. Dread filled my stomach remembering what had happened yesterday. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not at all sick. But as I came closer to having to go to school my stomach decided to flip.

I finished getting ready and headed downstairs, immediately being greeted by a tired looking Daveed.

"Morning sleepy head." Daveed yawned, indicating he just recently woke up as well. He took a small sip from the cup of coffee that he was holding.

"Morning..." I greeted back. I pushed my hair out of my face and leaned my head on my hands.

"How are you feeling?" Daveed asked despite him knowing that I wasn't truly sick yesterday. I shrugged my shoulders quite sure if I told him I felt nauseous he wouldn't believe me. He would probably say 'oh you're fine,' or some shit like that.

"I'm fine I guess..." I mumbled stretching my arms. Daveed looked over at me, concern on his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, placing down the mug onto the counter.

"Well, I have to go to school anyways, why should it matter?" I replied, before adding. "Plus, you wouldn't believe me anyways—."

"Summer..." Daveed sighed. "You know I know you're not actually sick.."

"I know you know that I know that you know— wait what... " I let out a small chuckle. "That sorta got confusing... anyways—." Daveed let out a small laugh as well, agreeing with me. Daveed handed me a bowl of cereal and I ate it in a second, despite my stomach trying to kill me.

-timeskip brought to you by my lazy ass-

As the school came into my view, I felt all the colour drain from my face. Anxiety crept up inside me and I started to feel dizzy. Walking towards the school I held my breath, trying to become as invisible as possible. Legs shaking, stomach turning, and my gaze down words, I still felt so many eyes on me. I took a deep breathe and headed into the school along with everyone else. I sped to my locker and shoved my backpack inside, grabbing my books for my first few classes. I looked behind me and made eye contact with McKenzie. Panic started to rise in my stomach and I knew for sure I was gonna pass out, or loose all my breakfast on the floor. She grinned innocently and hurried towards me. I prayed and prayed that I would just drop dead on the floor, but it didn't happen and she greeted me so kindly it was painfully fake.

"Heyyyy Summer!!" She said cheerfully with a hint of disgust in her tone. I felt the air catch in my throat as my voice refused to greet her back, I just waved.

"Hey Summer are you okay?" She asked with fake concern. "Like how do you live with yourself? You're fucking ugly and like if I were you I'd probably kill myself.." she said, sassy bitch mode visible.

At this point I was ready to faint.. She then frowned. "Why would your parents fucking keep you? Like, you're so defective and retarded..."

That hit me like a bullet in the chest. Tears were ready to fall, I wanted to punch her but my hands were tied. I wanted to run but my feet were glued. I wanted to yell but my throat felt like it was closing. She just laughed tauntingly and I felt as if millions of people were trampling me on the ground.

I wanted to tell her I was adopted, but I knew her taunts would grow like a weed in spring. She waved her hand front of my face trying to get my attention, but my view was blurry and I wanted to drop dead.

"Answer me you little shit... Why did your parents fucking keep you?" She said in a more threatening tone.

"THEY FUCKING DIDN'T!!" I shouted, slapping her across the face tears threatening to fall. She backed away, resting a hand on her cheek. The glared at me before laughing.

"I'm not surprised..." She then took a few steps towards me, now causing me to back away.

"And you don't fucking slap me, or I will hurt the shit out of you. You got that!!??" She threatened very close to my face. No one around seemed to notice, they were all rushing to their homerooms. The first bell then interrupted, thank God; she then backed away heading to her class.

Sorry for not posting in a while, and this isn't edited yet so sorry if there's mistakes. Also sorry for the shitty chapter title lol.

Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now