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I woke up at a reasonably early time, hence I had to go to school. I got up out of bed checking the time, it was 6 am. The school didn't start until 9 so I had time. I lazily made my way to a small pile of clean folded clothes I had on a chair, yet to be put away in the empty closet that was provided. I lifted up a plain white t-shirt and leggings to match. I headed to the bathroom to get ready.

I brushed my hair, trying my best to get the tangles out

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I brushed my hair, trying my best to get the tangles out. I slipped my hair into a high ponytail to get it out of my face. I walked back into my room and unplugged the phone I got off the charger. It was now 6:45 so I decided to head downstairs. I slowly walked down the stairs trying not to make too much noise in case Daveed was not awake yet. When I made it down the stairs I headed to the kitchen only to be greeted by Daveed sitting on a stool near the counter.

"Morning," he said to me as I sat next to him on the other stool. I gave a silent nod too tired to say anything. "So how did you sleep?" I only shrugged. I guess I slept fine, but I was tired since the show last night went pretty late. Daveed handed me a bowl of cereal. He pored the milk in and handed me a spoon to eat with. I quickly ate and put the bowl in the sink after rinsing it out. I headed back up to my room to grab my stuff for school. It was 8 Am now, so I had to leave soon.

"Summer, I got to go! You'll have to walk to school today!" Daveed called from downstairs.

"Ok!" I replied, shoving books into my backpack. I heard the door close and lock. I zipped up my backpack and dragged it behind me as I went back down the stairs. I checked the time on my phone. It was now 8:30 so I needed to head out to school. I shrugged my backpack over my shoulders and slipped my boots onto my feet. I put my phone in the pocket of my sweater and headed out the door.

I walked slowly down the path, cautious of my surroundings. I looked left and right before crossing the street and then when I knew it was safe, I started to cross. I dragged my feet slightly checking the time once more. I could see the school, but I was early so I walked slowly. When I reached the front entrance of the school, I pushed the doors open. As soon as I walked inside, I struggled to get to my locker. The hallways were flooded with people and it was nearly impossible to make it out safely. (Sounds like my school LOl) I finally got to my locker and unlocked the lock.

"BOO!" Someone shouted making me jump slightly. I turned around. It was, of course, McKenzie. "Hey sorry I had to do that, it was the perfect opportunity. Anyways happy Monday," she said a little too enthusiastic for my liking. I nodded in response and turned back to my locker. I shoved my backpack in and grabbed my books for the first 2 classes. The first bell rang indicating us to hurry to homeroom. Mckenzie and I started making our way to class.


"blah blah blah," the teacher said as I started doodling on my notes. I checked the time on the clock. It read 3 pm, which meant school ended in 10 minutes... FINALLY. The teacher continued rambling about how we have to study for the next test or you'll fail and shit like that. I watched the clock impatiently. I dozed off thinking about a song then I heard that Holy noise from the speaker. THE BELL. Students quickly packed up their things.

"Kids, kids, the bell doesn't dismiss you. I do," the teacher lectured and told the kids to sit back down.

"Then what's the point of the bell?" I heard someone ask.

"To remind me that it's almost time to leave," the teacher hesitated on that one. She told the kids to sit down once more, but no one listened and we all flooded out of the classroom.

I hurried to my locker, so I would not be trapped by all the students who are eager to leave this building as fast as they could. I quickly got ready to leave and headed out the school.

I started to walk home quickly and cautiously. Car packed up on the streets and people everywhere. When I finally arrived at the front door, I used the spare key to unlock it. I opened the door and went inside. I took off my boots and gently laid my backpack on the floor next to them. I went up to my room and flicked the light on. I laid down on my bed and started browsing Twitter. Most tweets were from Lin, he was really obsessed with Twitter. I decided to text Daveed telling him that I got home from school safely. He didn't respond, he was p[ropbably busy doing Hamilton rehearsal or something.

A half an hour later I heard the door click open. I heard voices of people talking. I heard Daveed talking to someone. I didn't recognize their voice so I decided to go down to investigate.

"Hey Summer," Daveed greeted as I entered the front area. I looked over at the other human that entered the house. "Oh, right. Summer this is Rafael Casal, or Rafa or Raf," Daveed introduced. "Rafa, this is Summer." Daveed gestured to me.

"Hi," I said awkwardly. I tried my best to avoid eye contact. "Soooo..." I trailed off and an awkward silence occurred. We stood there in silence for about 30 seconds before Daveed spoke.

"Well, this is awkward," I nodded in agreement before bolting away. I went back up to my room and went back on my phone. I heard muffled talking and you know me, I decided to listen in. I tiptoed to the top of the stairs and listened to the conversation.

"So, you're fostering Summer?"

"Yeah," Daveed replied. I expected to hear Daveed saying how he wants to send me back, but he said, "She thinks I don't like her or something, and probably thinks I'm going to send her back. But that's so cruel and I would never for a million dollars give her back. I know how much she hates it at the foster centre and I actually like having her around. I just hope she warms up to me more one day and actually accepts the fact that I am never going to send her back. Heck, I may even adopt her."

I never in a million years thought I might hear this word. ADOPT, I might be AD O pTEd. I started to doubt that'll actually happen, but my happiness took over those thoughts. I kept thinking what would happen if THEE DAVEED DIGGS actually adopted me. I was so lost in these thoughts I didn't even notice Daveed coming up the stairs.

"Summer, what are you doing?" Daveed asked. I was snapped out of my thoughts.

OH, I was just listening to your conversation, " I-uh was about to go downstairs, Oh uhh I forgot to do something bye," then I ran back to my room.

"Weird, " I heard Daveed mumble from outside my room. I felt like smiling, no not a fake smile... A real smile.


Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now