Actually Sick

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👆 one of Summer's theme songs

I woke up in my bed, feeling rather ill to my stomach. I sat up, pulling the covers off myself, tossing them next to me. I rubbed my eyes, swinging my legs off the side of the bed.(or off the edge of the bed, not sure) My toes barely touching the floor. I looked around the room, eyes adjusting to the darkness. Only a small amount of light peaking through the closed blinds. I felt for my phone on the wooden table next to my bed, but was disappointed when I realized it wasn't there. It must be downstairs in my backpack or something.

I lifted my self off the edge of the bed, bare toes touching the cold hardwood floor sending a chill up my legs. I slowly walked out of the dark room, feeling around to make sure I don't run into anything.

A nauseous feeling filled my stomach, causing me to almost fall over. I steadied myself on the doorframe, head pounding in my skull. I felt as if I was gonna pass out. I put one foot in front of the other, regaining most of my balance.

I suddenly felt the need to throw up— It was like my body wanted to get rid off this regret and dread, and all these stupid emotions. I cupped a hand over my mouth and ran into the bathroom. I coughed and gagged as I puked out the little food I ate. I tried to catch my breath but I continued to loose the one meal I had.

The light flicked on in the bathroom causing me to flinch. I tried to pull my hair out of the way, but Daveed did that for me. He sat on the edge on the bathtub, holding my hair behind me. I used my arms to steady myself. I coughed loudly, causing my throat to burn. Daveed sighed, lacing a hand through my hair. I sat back, onto my knees once I new I was done. I wanted to cry, I felt embarrassed and also very sick at the same time.

I sniffed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I hauled myself back up, puking once more. The acidity leaving a horrible taste in my mouth. I wiped my eyes with my arm and sat back down on my knees.

"You done?" Daveed asked tiredly, lacing his hand through my hair again. I nod, trying not to cry. Daveed puts a hand to my forehead. "You're warm—." He pauses. "You have a fever."

I used the rest of my strength to crawl onto Daveed's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He returned the hug, resting his hand on my head holding me close. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, his hair tickling my face. I shivered, feeling goosebumps form all over my skin. It must be the fever making me feel cold—

"You need to go back to bed," Daveed mumbled into the hug.

"What time is it?" I ask, barely a whisper.

"It's 5 AM"

I wanted to ask why he was still awake, but I honestly felt too weak to speak. I laid my forehead on his shoulder, I felt exhausted. My head pounded and my throat stung. I felt like shit...

Daveed picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. He pushed open the door with his foot and walked into the dark room. He laid me down gently on the bed, I was already half asleep. He pulled the covers over my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Summer—." ( its morning tho ) Daveed said softly, pulling a strand of hair out of my face. He sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for me to fall asleep.

I curled up in the blanket for warmth, trying to get comfortable before drifting off.

Peaceful thoughts finally strung through my head. I sang songs in my head, like the song Summertime by Clipping. I don't know why I liked that song so much, I guess because it has my name in it— (I do like that song)


I fell asleep after switching one song to another. I sang a bunch of musical songs in my head and some random songs that I heard on the radio.

Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now