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I was full on sobbing now. Daveed didn't say anything else he just wrapped his arms around me. I let my arms drop to my sides.

"I-I'm so-sorry..." My sobbing grew louder. A tsunami of emotions crashing over the beach that carried my positivity. Anger, fear, sadness... and so much more destroying the sand.

"Shhhhh.. it's okay...." He said softly, hugging me tighter. "You have nothing to be sorry for..."

I didn't reply, I lifted my arms and wrapped them around Daveed, returning the hug. He rubbed circles on my back, calming me. My sobs slowly died down, despite me still feeling scared, hurt, sad... and so many other negative emotions. My sobs turned to a silent cry.

Daveed continued softly shushing me, rocking side to side in the embrace. We sat there for a long time before my silent cries turned to a pattern of uneven breathing.

He eventually let go of the hug but I refused to let go. I wanted to cry again. He placed a hand on my head as my tears started up again. I was filled with a sea of regret and my thoughts were out of control. My tears started falling like a storm as my eyes tried to cry out the regret and fear that lurked through out my whole body. I shouldn't have done what I done, but I did and now I can't go back. I felt sick to my stomach as I thought of the idea of going back to school. My head kept switching from one negative thing to another, it's like my head couldn't decided what to cry over.

I cried more, just as I thought I would be okay the hurricane returns and I can't control it. I was now trembling with fear and I couldn't stop. I wanted to stop crying but my head took over, processing me, controlling me. I felt disconnected with the world, it was like I wasn't even here in this embrace anymore, I had become numb.

My head threatened me and yelled and screamed and shouted and— My sobs grew louder again blinding out the whole entire world around me. I was struggling to breath, my lungs turning against me, my whole body turning against me. My head pounded, my heart was like a drum, my lungs refused to let me breath. My arms and legs numb. I couldn't feel anything but a teeth gritting pain.

I wanted to scream, like an ear piercing scream. But I felt if I was underwater drowning, only muffled cries for help audible. But my head was in flames, the crackling of the negativity burned my positivity to ashes.

I sobbed for what felt like thousands of torturing hours. My sobs became quieter as time went by. Tears began to dry on my cheeks as new ones dripped down. I took a deep breath, finally able to breath. My lungs siding with me once again.

I glued my eyes shut, refusing to open them again. Despite it being early, I began to drift off to sleep. I took one last breath that I savoured before falling asleep in the embrace.

Summer - Adopted by Daveed Diggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now