Don't go

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Daveed's POV

"Summer— open the fucking door— please" I knocked again. "Shit—." I turned the knob of the locked door, using as much force as I could to ram into the door. I felt the lock weaken as I continued to aggressively push the locked door. The door slammed open, possibly leaving a dent in the dry wall. I stood there shocked. Tears began pouring out of my eyes and I ran up to the almost lifeless Summer. Kneeling down I wrapped my arms around her as blood poured from her wrists. She looked ghostly, a faint heartbeat just begging to stop. The halfhearted breath almost nonexistent giving me a small sense of hope.

"Shit," I sobbed— "Rafa!!" I called out. "Call 911–"

I heard footsteps ascend up the stairs. "What's wrong? What happe— holy shit—" He stopped in front of the open bathroom door. I looked over at him, he shakily pulled out his phone with tears pricking his eyes. He dialled 911 and lifted the phone to his ear, he fidgeted with his free hand.

"Yeah— a- uh suicide attempt, yeah" Rafa told the dispatcher. Meanwhile, I looked at Summer. Her face looked almost at peace and her already slow breathing began to fade. I tried to apply pressure to the bloodied wounds but it was no use, the blood just gushed out of the fairly deep wound like it had no care.

The paramedics came shortly after the call. We just sat there and waited. Rafa pacing the hallways and me trying to keep Summer alive. She was hanging on, a small thread that any minute could be ripped— or cut by the pair of scissors in her own hands.

I watched as they took her into the ambulance. The sick feeling in my stomach still lurking and so many things stringing through my head.

I rushed to the hospital, driving over the speed limit. Rafael in the passengers seat telling me to slow down, but the words just strung through my ears and I ignored him. I finally arrived and I was told to wait in the waiting room. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to hold back the waterfall of tears. Rafa was sitting in a seat right next to me, telling me everything was going to be fine. But It was not fine. My child had just attempted suicide. I can't believe I was so oblivious to what was going on in her head. Heck, this could be all on me.

I leaned my head into my hands and groaned. I sniffed and took a deep breath. Worry was lurking in my head and negative thoughts brought me back to tears. Rafa rested a hand on my shoulder trying to be reassuring, but I was numb. Everything around me faded as I trapped myself in my own thoughts, erasing all positive outcomes as I think about what could go wrong. How I could lose Summer.

I sat in the waiting room for hours. Still hearing no words from the doctors. It was getting so late they had asked me to leave, but I refused. I sat in the same spot and barely moved. Heartbeat beating through my chest and my lungs gasping for air.

I hated myself for not being there for Summer enough, I had no idea what was going on in my head. And after she cut, I should've been there. HOW could I be so fucking stupid. Rafael ended up having to force me home which left me even more stressed.

I didn't get a wink if sleep.

Summers pov (yes)

I saw a light. Was I still alive? I began to walk towards the light but someone's presence stopped me.

"Don't go--"

I heard an unbelievably familiar voice that I haven't heard in forever. I turned around and my eyes widened.

I saw my mother standing there, light surrounding her.

"Mom?" I asked, voice dry. I rub my eyes hoping this was just a dream. I hated my mom leaving me at the foster care. I hated both my parents for just leaving me.

"Don't go. You have so much to live for," she said, tears running down her lifeless looking face. Questions started stringing through my head like a thread. Was I dead?

"A-are you dead?" I asked suddenly. She nodded her head. I felt no emotion, I actually didn't care at all. I still wanted to die more than ever. "Am I dead?" And she shook her head no.

"Not yet.. you have so much to live for. Your new father loves you and you can't leave him." She said, holding out her hands. She was suddenly closer to me and she took my hands into hers.

"He said he was going to send me back!! He hates me!!" I screamed, ripping my hands from her grip. Her cold hands leaving mine as I screamed.

"He never said that love, I've been watching over you and you misheard-- "

"You're lying!" I screamed gripping onto my pounding head. I dropped to the floor and sobbed. She wrapped her arms around me. "DON'T TOUCH ME. YOU COULD'VE JUST KEPT ME AND NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!"

"I wanted to keep you--"

"Then why didn't you," my voice became softer, tears dripping onto the nothingness below me.

"I wasn't able to take care of you. I knew you'd find someone who'd take better care of you than I ever would. Your father and I didn't have the money to give you a safe and loving home you deserved-- I was going to come back for you." She was now crying. Her tears dripping onto my arms. "Then I died of illness and your father never came back to you like we had planned. He was a cruel man-- so engulfed in the money we had earned through out the years he completely forgot about our plan to come get you. I was so upset with him but then I saw you had a way better family now and you were beginning to become happy again..."

My angry eyes softened and I hugged her back. I whispered an apology and she kissed my forehead.

"Now, please go back. It gets better love I promise you,"


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