Imagine if Peter told you he was Spiderman

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"Y/n?" You awake, groggy, to the sound of light knocking on your window. "Y/n, are you awake"

"What the hell?" You mumble to yourself, bumbling to turn on the light blind, only succeeding in blinding yourself. Wobbling over to your window, you see Peter knocking furiously on the glass, a large, doped smile on his face as you throw back the curtains. As you drag open the window to let him crawl into your room, you scold in a harsh whisper, "what the hell, Peter, it's two in the morning? We have school tomorrow." Before adding angrily. "You really should stop climbing up the fire escape, you'll hurt yourself!"

"Y/n," he says and you shush him frantically, listening to make sure he hadn't disturbed the other in habitants if the apartment. Only when you are sure he hasn't do you remove your hands from his mouth. "Y/n, I have to tell you something."

"Can't it wait for tomorrow, you will literally see me in six hours?" You whine, slumping back into bed and pulling the covers over your eyes. "And close the window on your way out."

"Please, Y/n." He says, peeling back the blanket while you fight, he really is freakishly strong. "It's important."

"Oh, fine." You sigh almost angrily, unable to resist his big puppy-dog eyes. He'll be the death of you and you know it.

"Great." He says, grabbing your hand and quite literally yanking you out of your haven.

"Wait, Peter!" You giggle as he almost rips your arm out of it's socket. "Let me put some trousers on."

It takes him a moment to realise that your legs are, in fact, exposed, before he splutters and turns around, giving you a moment to pull on your pj bottoms.

He leads you up the fire escape, laughing all the way, loud and boisterous, but it is easily lost in the bustle of the busy city. Chilly air nips at your body, causing you to wrap your arms around yourself, shivering slightly, but more with nervous excitement.

When you reach the roof Peter offers you his hand to get you up top and you jump onto the familiar flat surface that you had spent so many long nights on.

He turns to face you in the pale moonlight, teeth shining from the light as his smile widens. The lines around his eyes appear as his face contorts into that of a pleased child.

"Now then Y/n, it is our one year anniversary-" he starts, as of you weren't aware of this already.

"We're not married Peter." You laugh, giddy from the early morning sleep deprivation and the truth in his words.

"And you know I love you." He gives you that lip sided grin again that grasps at your heart.

"You damn well should." Is the only response you can give in your flustered state.

"And we knee each other for years before you asked me out."

"You were taking too long." The smile on your face growing continuously as he speaks.

"I have to tell you a secret, Y/n, it's very important." He hushes, and for a moment you're afraid of what is his words will be.

"Oh." You say, your smile vanishing quickly. Confused as to why he looks so proud.

"You know the spiderman from youtube?" He starts, giving you a questioning look until you bod dubiously. "That's me!"

"Bullshit." You respond quickly, relieved at his 'news'.

"No, really, Y/n I promise, would I lie to you?" And the puppy-dog eyes are back.

"Well if you really are the 'spiderman' then you have been lying to me for at least the last year." You say sarcastically.

He nodds his head with a frown, before his face lights up like he's had the greatest idea of his life before he suddenly turns and jumps off the edge of the building.

"Peter!" You scream as you run to the edge, desperately trying to spot him. What the hell is he thinking!

"Gotcha." A voice says from behind you. You spin quickly and slap him full round the face.

"YOU STUPID BOY! GOING OUT THERE EVERYDAY BEING NEAR THOSE PEOPLE, YOU COULD BE KILLED!" The fear and anger suddenly fills you as the realisation sinks deep into your bones.

He laughs, seemingly uncaring about the enraged significant other he has standing before him. "You sound like my aunt May. And OW!"

You calm at his no-harm-done attitude. You're still angry, but he doesn't seem to think it's a big deal, and he's not dead, and the curiosity overcomes you immediately. "How does it work?" You ask.

He grabs your waist. "It works like this." He says before taking your weight and sending you both flying off the edge of your apartment building.

With you in his arms you swung, wailing through Queens in your pajamas, a perfect night.

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