Steve ~ Tod

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Ok so I thought of this in my P.E class and kinda loved it, don't think I did I justice though.

Ps. I'm going to start doing the titles differently because the old ones felt a bit forsed.

"And that  is how you climb a 8 meter rope in 7 seconds." you say, jumping from the top of the rope and superhero landing in front of your gym class, "Time Peter." you beckon to the young boy.

"6.94 seconds Y/n, I mean L/n, I mean Miss Y/n, no wait just Miss. 6.94 seconds Miss" He says, lowering his head as the rest of the class snickers.

"Alright class." you shout, clapping your hands to get silence, "Pair up, Flash, how about you go first?", the chants of Penis Parker stop as he stumbles over to the rope hanging from the ceiling.

After barely taking his feet off the ground he falls and you pick up your clipboard, you know you shouldn't like it but this was the best part. "Sorry Flash, I'm going to have to fail you if you keep up like this. Peter, would you please demonstrate the proper footing." the young boy jumps onto the rope and you keep eye contact with him, reminding him not to go too quickly.

After about 12 seconds he scrambles back down and scurries over to Ned, all the while a smile on your face as some of the kids poke at Flash. "Alright class! Practice makes perfect, half an hour lets go!" you say, clapping your hands as the chatter pickes up.

Staring down at your clipboard you grade each of the boys, making sure to put a smiley face by Peter's name. Checking the time you blow your whistle aggressively and watch as the class hurriedly pack up. Hearing cheers you look up as you see one of the popular boys swagger in your direction, his name was Todd?

"Hey Y/n." he said with a wink to ephasize the use of your first name, my God being a twenty-one year old gym teacher was hard!

"What you did today, that was pretty lit." he pulled a smoulder and kept licking his teeth, gross.

"Practice makes perfect." you say, busying yourself with taking down his grade.

"I was wondering if maybe I could take you out sometime?" it takes all you have not to roll your eyes.

"I sorry, but I have a boyfriend." you announce and all the boys groan. "But, you know what? If you can climb that rope faster than he can, I'll take you out."

He raises his eyebrows, "What's this boyfriend like?"

"Kind, caring, artistic, smart, calm-"

"Bye Miss" Tod cheers after turning around to his mates, "She's dating some kind of nerd, I got this."

Arriving at your apartment late you flop onto the sofa and sigh heavily. Feeling thick arms wrap around your neck you smile and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey doll." He says into your neck and place your arms on his. "How was your day?"

"You'd think that as a gym teacher you wouldn't have any marking to do, but here I am at, gosh 8 o'clock."

In a flash of blond he is next to you and your head is in his lap, his fingers intertwined in your hair.

"How was work?" you purr, uninterested in the convosation and more in the episode of The big bang theory playing quietly on the T.V.

"It was OK. Tony was, well, Tony so-"

"Not that great then?" you laugh, taking his hand off your head and placing a kiss in his palm. "So I did something."

"What?" he asks, concern in his voice.

"So one of the boys I teach asked me out." As predicted his strong hand clamped down on yours and you kiss the back of it to calm him. "Calm down Mr.America, I'm not going anywhere. But I did say if he beat my boyfriend in a little competition I would take him out."

Hearing him sigh you look up and bat your eyelashes, he just rolls his eyes. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull yourself up and kiss him on the cheek, making him blush and you smile. "I love you Stevie. Ps can you turn up the sound? This is the James Earl Jones episode and he's about to come on screen."

"Ok class! I believe we had a little bet." you shout at the class and their heads turn. "Five minutes Tod, good luck."

Hearing the door swing open you look over to see Steve in his hoodie and cap disguise and laugh. 

Jogging over you give him a quick kiss which he turns into a full on make out sesh. Pulling away you see his angry eyes searching your class. "Where's the brat who hit on my lady." he hisses and you laugh, blooping him on the nose.

"Oooo is Captain America jealous?" you giggle before turning around and clapping. "Are you ready Tod?" All his friends cheer and push him forward, punching his shoulders playfully. 

As Tod readys himself Steve comes over and wrappes a possessive arm around your waist, still hiding his identity from the class. Grabbing your stopwatch Tod winks at you, "Ready to go."

"Ready, set, go!" you say and he climbs, half the boys cheering for him. 13 seconds later he drops to the floor with an eruption of clapping. "13.38 seconds, well done Tod. Darling, would you mind?"

Pulling off his jumper the whole class gasp. Is that Captain America? Why is he here? Is he with Miss L/n? No way! He's so fit. This can't be happening! Tod's so screwed. Look at that chest.

"Okay Stevie. Ready, set, GO!" he's up and down faster than your thumb can move and his hands are on either side of your face, your hands pressed against his chest and his lips on yours. Breaking away he stares Tod in the eyes.

"Stay away from my woman!"

Dude you just got threatened by frikin' Captain America

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