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"She told him she loved him and he responded with the same words-but from his eyes she could see he was lying, for it was not love she saw there, but resent. His eyes only shined at their brightest whenever another was around and although it pained her to her very core she shook her head with tears in her eyes and took the last step." I look up from the small book at the figure laying on the bed beside me, his body still and eyes unblinking, his fingertips pressed together as if he were plotting something-is plotting something. Letting out a sad sigh I push up off the chair and stand before I start walking out the cell. "Alrighty then. Tomorrow I bring you something with murder and death and stuff, probably Macbeth, I know that's your favourite."

I begin to open the cell door and I'm half way out when a quiet voice breaks the silence. "You're very brave."

"What?" I ask, turning to see his figure is still unmoved.

"You're very brave, saying the name of The Scottish Play." he says a little louder.

"I have to be, I'm married to you."

"He talked today." I say to Odin as I stand infront of his throne, "I think I'm making progress, I would like permission to bring him upstairs."

"I will not release him from his cell, we cannot trust him." Odin booms, taking me by surprise.

"Yet, sir, I feel he is changing." I plea, "Give him time."

"He has had plenty of time!"

"And he has made improvement! I know what he has done, I have seen it with my own two eyes and although I hate myself for it I still love him, and he is still my husband, and I will continue to fight until I have my husband back!" I shout, and although I was slightly horrified by my words I stood by them, waiting for Odin's reply.

"A week, that is all the time I am giving you, after that, he stays locked up."

"Thank you All-Father." I say, hating myself for submitting to him, but thankful for the extra time I gained.

"Good morning." I say, only to suddenly gasp as I see Loki in the middle of the cell holding up a black rose. "What's this?"

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady." he beams as I take the rose and it magically weaves its way into a bracelet on my wrist. "My beautiful wife."

"What happened?" I ask, feeling a sudden urge to be as close to him as possible.

"I came to my senses." Loki says, tilting my face up to meet his and moving his lips towards mine.

Smiling to him-suddenly it all comes crashing down, I realise in this moment that nothing about this can be true. Feeling tears prick at my eyes I let out a small sob against his lips. "Loki, please. You're breaking my heart."

I run my finger down the side of his face and let out a tear. His eyes soften with confusion and his lips part, "Why are you doing this to me?" I punch the figure in the chest and it dissolves around my fist. Turning on my heel I look at the door and see Loki trying to escape. "YOU'RE KILLING ME!" I scream, charging over to him and pulling him back.

"I loved you, hell, I still do. Even after all you have done. ALL YOU'VE DONE LOKI! HERE I STILL AM, WAITING, WAITING FOR YOU!" I push against his chest with angry tears streaming down my face as it burns red. Throwing him to the floor I jump on his chest and fear shows in his eyes as I hit him repeatedly. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" I break down and my head falls against his chest and my tears wet his chest whilst I continue to hit him in defeat. "I hate you."

He kisses the top of my head and I don't know how long I lay there but eventually I sit up on his hips and look in his eyes with a sadness. Pulling my wedding ring off my finger I frown and put it in his hand. "Goodbye." I open the cell door and let him out. "Run."

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