Loki ~ My prince (part 2)

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I sat silently in the centre of my cell, everything around me destroyed.
The death of my mother hit me hard, knowing I could've saved her was worse, if I wasn't stuck in this stuffy glass box.

Hearing the door open I look up to see Y/n walk into my cell, several human tragedies piled up in her arms. She set the books down in front of me and I study her beautiful face.

"Y/n," I say flatly, every time she comes back I ask her the same question, "why are you here?"

"Well, since you put yourself in here I don't have a job anymore so what else am I going to do." Is today's remark.

Truthfully, she is the only thing I regret, now my mother has passed. I miss seeing her everyday, listening to her talk or sing, maybe play her music and especially laugh.

As she gets closer I unravel my illusion to her, I have nothing to hide from Y/n. Her face only shows surprise for a second before I goes back to a sad and impassive smile.

Y/n comes and sits next to me, pressing our frames together. She begins to read the human book to me and as her soothing voice fills my head I find myself slouching into her. Slowly she gently holds the side of my face and directs it so my head is leaning on her shoulder.

"Loki," she breaks the silence, "it's ok to cry. You may not have been biologically related to Frigga, but she was still your mother, the same way Thor will always be your brother, and I will always be there for you, because we love you."

My heart rate speeds up considerably at her words and I think about the inscription on the inside of her guitar. But she means she loves me in the way a sister cares for her brother, not the way I love her, or am in love with her. She is my love, my everything.

From next to her she pulls a bright yellow Calla Lilly and presses it into my hand. I know it is not a flower grown on Asgard so... "You went to midguard?"

I know she has always wanted to go to Earth and how she has always been fascinated with humans but Odin has a ban. "No, after I told Heimdall it was for you he fetched it for me."

Y/n has been training as a warrior in her spare time with Heimdall, her fighting technique was flawless so I recommended her to him, he obviously saw something in her and took her as an apprentice immediately.

"Yellow, for loyalty, honor and remembrance, and calla lilies for faith and beauty." I press my head into her neck and a small sob escapes.

"When my mother died, you made sure I cried, it's the best way to get your emotions out. Sure, you can destroy everything around you or kill anyone who gets in your way, but crying is the best relief. Keeping your emotions inside will only hurt you, people say keeping your emotions in check is a show of strength but in my opinion, people who ignore their emotions are the weakest. And I can tell you Loki, you are the strongest person I know and if crying is weakness, then I stand no chance against the elves."

I let the tears fall and she cups the side of my face, sliding her thumb under my eye before she presses a chaste kiss on my forehead and lowers my head into her lap. Sobs wrack my body as she runs her fingers through my hair, I feel safe around her, secure, she won't tell anyone about this and for that I'm grateful. But crying around her doesn't feel degrading like it does in front of others, it feel right, because she doesn't judge me and she never has.

Singing to me I let myself sleep and for the first time in ages, not feeling that sinking in my stomach and feeling strangely content.

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