Imagine if it were an Avengers lazy day

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[This is just a bit of fun, I couldn't resist]

"I'm sooooooooo bored." You say, lolling around on the sofa and throwing your legs over the back so you are upside down "Why can't someone just attack the city already?!" You scroll through the Instagram explore page hopelessly as you roll different scenarios where you could be doing ANYTHING but this. 

Loud sounds come from the kitchen and you sit up instantly to see Tony fiddling with one thing or another. "What's he doing?" you ask the other Avengers and they all shrug, turning back to their phones with a frown so you jump up and wander over to Tony as you realise he is messing with a microwave?

"Whatcha doin'?" you say sing-songy, rolling on the balls of your feet.

"I'm Steve-proofing the microwave so he doesn't explode it again." Tony says sarcastically whilst rolling his eyes.

"Okey-dokey." You say returning to the sofa and continuing to scroll aimlessly until you come across something and laugh. It was nothing but everyone looked up, desperate for anything more interesting than the seemingly endless boredom.

"What?" Natasha says, averting her eyes from the television.

"Just a joke." You mumble but everyone looks at you expectantly. "Ok, How did Tony Stark spice up his sex life." 

"I don't know Y/n, how?" Nat mutters

"With a bit of Pepper." Everyone groans but you can hear laughter coming from the kitchen.

"She is spicy." Tony says.

"Ew Tony gross!" you say throwing a pillow at him whilst he just laughs.

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