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"Taehyung, I made you some pancakes! Please eat it!"

Taehyung looked up from his usual cup of coffee, staring with distaste at the stack of pancakes. "No; I'm allergic to shitty food."

Seokjin's bright smile turned into a frown. "You haven't eaten anything for the three days you've been here. That is not healthy."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his stomach growled as Seokjin drew closer. He saw the male's lips turn upwards again. "See? I knew you were hungry. Now eat!"

Taehyung sighed a little dreamily as Seokjin's fluffy hair accidentally was pushed into his face, and Taehyung grabbed his arm as he began to pull away.

"But if a vampire treated you nicely, would you like them?"

Seokjin frowned at the question and shrugged, stealing a pancake off the top of the stack. "Depends."

Taehyung hesitantly takes a bite from Seokjin's pancake as the brunette offered it to him. It tasted like nothing but wheat and butter. Disgusting. "Depends on what?"

"The vampire and their personality." Seokjin giggles as Taehyung frowns. "If you were a vampire, maybe I wouldn't mind, but I still wouldn't like them."

The statement rekindled the spark of hope in his chest. "But what if—"

"I'm home!"

Taehyung jumps slightly at the familiar voice and his face pales as he sees a very familiar purple-haired male leap into the kitchen. Seokjin's pretty laugh sounds from Taehyung's side and Taehyung groans as he sees the very, very familiar black-haired male follow closely behind.

Jimin's eyes widened as he rounded the corner. "Oh, hey bitch."

Taehyung shoots him the middle finger and looks away.

Seokjin blinks. "You know each other?"

As if to answer the question, Jimin wraps a powerful arm around Taehyung's neck and ruffles his hair. "Kidding me? We've been friends since childhood."

"Fuck off, dirty bastard." Taehyung snarls, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Who knew you'd show up here? After beating me up like that I thought you'd still be furious at me."

"O-oh? Jimin, you're the one that—so that means you'll be leaving?" Seokjin asks, almost a little disappointedly, quickly changing the topic as Jimin sends a warning glare at the timid brunette.

Jimin's eyes rounded. "Sure, why not?"

Namjoon looked up in fright. "A-are you sure?"

Jimin nods, grabbing a slice of pancakes off of Taehyung's plate.

"Why not?"

"No, I'm quite fine staying here." Taehyung replied, sipping his coffee with disinterest. "Seokjin's a pretty little thing and I'd like to continue to admire him for a while."

He blushed at that, turning his gaze shyly away from the confident blonde to get the maple syrup. "O-oh, that's fine, I-I mean—"

"Didn't know you became this cheesy, Tae." Jimin snorted, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's waist. He sends a rather challenging glance at the blonde. "Anyways, we just came to stop by a drop off this gift for you, Seokjin." Jimin hands a pretty, suspicious looking pastel pink gift box. "Open it tonight at midnight."

Seokjin blinks, a grateful smile gracing his lips. "Oh, thank you, that's very kind of you, b-but why at midnight?"

"Oh, you'll see." Jimin winks and waves at Taehyung.

"We'll be leaving now. Goodbye, hyung!" Namjoon chirps, and Seokjin giggles, waving back.

Taehyung shakes his bangs out of his eyes as the two leave, staring at the present box. He hoped it wasn't what he thought it was, and if it was, then Taehyung might die tonight.

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