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"T-the weather's getting warmer, huh?"

Hoseok stared awkwardly at Taehyung, not knowing what to say as the two sat in Hoseok's bakery. Hoseok sipped a cup of warm tea and Taehyung had a bag of untouched muffins: he planned to take it home to Seokjin.

"Had Yoongi been acting weirdly lately?"

Hoseok choked on his drink and looked up, hands flying to his bump in a bit of habit. "Y-Yoongi? What about him?" Hoseok wiped his mouth and stared at Taehyung. "And acting weirdly? Of course not." His cheeks flushed. "He loves all of us."

"I don't care for your relationship details, human, I didn't come to gossip." Taehyung muttered and Hoseok felt a spark of annoyance. This was Seokjin's future husband? The man he continuously tried to have a child with? He'd just have to hope their child wasn't as short-tempered. "I just need to ask you something and that's if your husband is acting weird. But seeing your, ah, current state," Taehyung's gaze flitted to Hoseok's belly, "I'm not sure if my guesses are correct."

"Both of them are." Hoseok retorted, face red with humiliation and anger. "Jungkook's been incredibly touchy with Yoongi and Yoongi's really angry and throwing tantrums here and there. He never does that, he never did that until a couple of months ago."

Taehyung hummed. "Is that so?"

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah. Even yesterday, Jungkook and Yoongi just made out in the kitchen. And I just sat there, they acted like I didn't exist: bunch of bastards. I'm carrying their kids and they're fucking like rabbits and they give me zero attention," his eyes filled up with hot tears and his ears began to burn, the past weeks of anger and being left out and ignored bubbling to the surface. He was a little embarrassed to say this in front of Seokjin's husband, but he was too far gone and his naturally talkative manner came out. "They've stopped cuddling with me, they just say curt greeting as if we're just like, fucking coworkers or something and I just feel so empty inside despite the life inside of me," his hands rubbed his belly, "those two are gonna get the spanking of their life. If I had even twice as much as strength as I had now, I'd beat their ass."

Taehyung stayed silent, his dark brown eyes turning an interested red. Hoseok breathed heavily, continuing to chat on and on and babble about Yoongi and Jungkook's extremely odd behaviors, when he felt a hand on his shoulder and Hoseok stopped, staring at Taehyung. "W-what?" He asked.

Taehyung smiled. "You can always hang out with Seokjin if you're feeling lonely. In fact, I think it's best if you come and stay over at our house for now."

"What? Why?" Hoseok exclaimed. "I've gotta feed them."

Taehyung chuckled. "They can go a few days without blood, they don't even have half as much as an appetite as me." His gaze flickered. "I'm doing this for your safety, Jung. You'll get the information you need later."

Hoseok stared back at Taehyung, still puzzled.

"Um," he looked at the clock. 10:45 PM. "Can't you tell me now? Is it so bad?" He raised an eyebrow and flinched a little when he felt Taehyung's hand run down his arm, stopping at his fingers.

"It's not too bad." Taehyung murmured. "But it will get worse without treatment. Yoongi is in danger, he has been for a while. It seems his two faces have planned to come out at this time: to ruin everyone's peaceful and happy lives."

Hoseok frowned, beginning to grow a little defensive. "Well, didn't you murder his mother?" Hoseok asked, eyes narrowed. "I'd understand why he'd be so angry if someone killed my mom."

Taehyung's eyes flashed red and Hoseok felt a little flame of alarm in his stomach. "Don't bring that up," Taehyung growled, and Hoseok nodded frantically, "I was extremely hungry and out of my mind and at the time I had a slight bout of paranoia about his kind. I still do." His lip curled and Hoseok looked away, bringing his tea cup to his lips. "From what I remember she was awfully delicious. All females are, vampire or human, incredibly sweet. Although I've never found such a specimen as Seokjin," his eyes turned dreamy, "he is the most delicious meal I've sunk my fangs into."

Hoseok cringed and said nothing but sip his drink again.
"Erm, anyways, if Seokjin's okay with dealing with my
mood swings and constant sickness over literally every single food and my extreme food cravings," he saw Taehyung's face turn sour, "then yeah, I'd be glad to stay over."

Taehyung simply sighed and shrugged. "He'd be glad to help, honestly."


"Are you okay? Need water? Anything you wanna eat? I can go pick up something for you if you'd like."

Hoseok laid back on Seokjin's bed, feeling a little embarrassed that Seokjin was fussing over him like a baby, immediately running over to his side every time Hoseok tried to sit up and rubbing his belly, feeling for the baby's kicks and bursting out in giggles every time he felt movement. It was honestly more affection than Yoongi and Jungkook had been showing him combined and he felt more relaxed than he did the past few months.

"No, I'm just tired." Hoseok responded. "Uhm, is Taehyung gonna be okay with me sleeping here? I thought you guys slept together."

Seokjin waved it off. "Oh, please, he has his own bedroom he just chooses to sleep with me 'cause I smell good or some shit." Hoseok laughed at that and Seokjin smiled. "Get some rest. I'm gonna be finishing up some work and I'll join you later." He patted Hoseok's leg and got up to plop himself down at his desk, where a little lamp was lit, illuminating its soft warm yellow light around the room

Hoseok nodded, slipping the covers over himself and turning to his side, as sleeping on his back was uncomfortable, and just admiring the tranquility of the moment. He took a deep breath and rubbed his belly, comforting himself as he lulled himself into sleep to the sound of Seokjin typing softly at the laptop, the gentle sounds of winter rain outside, and the yellow hue just reminding him of a sort of soft aesthetic that he just loved, and soon enough, he was engulfed in a sleepy, relaxed darkness.

On the other side, Seokjin was typing away, working on forgotten business documents, stock, working with some other companies that kept asking for shares, he was incredibly busy. Between trying to satisfy himself, Taehyung, and his workplace, he barely had time to relax like Hoseok, which he noted was sleeping soundly on the bed, his cute face scrunched up in his sleep against the fluffy pillows that Seokjin was dying to lay against and cuddle with Hoseok's squishy, warm body.

His phone dinged several times and Seokjin jerked his gaze from Hoseok to his phone, not surprised to see Yoongi's name on the screen.

- where's hoseok?

Seokjin frowned and typed back quickly.

- He's sleeping. Why?

- He's at your place? y is he there without telling us? we're
  fucking hungry

Seokjin felt a spurt of anger and typed aggressively back, lips bitten and eyebrows furrowed as Yoongi typed several other irritating messages. How dumb could this guy get?

- Oh my God. Are you oblivious to sadness? Hoseok's tired. He's carrying a kid, you can't expect him to do all the housework and feed you and work when he's pregnant. You're supposed to be caring for him, but you're not, so he got tired and he's staying over at my place.

- he signed the oath for a reason. tell him to get his ass over here 
  or else i'm gonna fucking kill him.

- Are you drunk? You don't say shit like that. Go to sleep.

There was no response and Seokjin felt a shiver of fear creep down his spine as he padded over to Hoseok, flipping his lamp off and crawling into bed with him, curling his arms around him protectively.

"I'm real worried." Seokjin whispered, and Hoseok shifted slightly. "Be safe, Hobi."

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