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"Back to your senses so soon?"

Seokjin snapped open his eyes, panting. The dark voice reminded him of Taehyung, but when his vision cleared, all he could see was Officer Lee's face. He sat up, rubbing his forehead before mumbling out: "What happened?"

"Your precious vampire nearly killed you. All of us, actually, even that other one. I didn't know vampires could be cannibalists. The more you know, eh?" Officer Lee's voice was tight with false humor and Seokjin felt his stomach twist.

"What happened to Taehyung? To Jimin?"

"Both of the vampires were sent in for questioning." Lee's eyes sparkled. "Until then, I was assigned to look after you."

But Seokjin didn't see the suggestive glint in the officer's eyes and looked around. "Questioning? For what? If you think he was drinking my blood illegally, it really wasn't. I did sign a contract, and it's safe, I swear it is—"

"Seokjin, we had to pry that creature off of you because you turned so pale. I swear I saw bone against your skin, that's how much he drank." Officer Lee rested a hand against Seokjin's thighs, that had somehow plumped themselves up again. When the CEO was rushed to the hospital, to the doctor's amazement, Seokjin's body seemed to make twice as many red blood cells as the average human, and his body wasn't affected negatively at all. Granted, this was all due to Seokjin's body adjusting to the oath that he had signed with Taehyung, but to human's knowledge, they knew nothing of that sacred promise.

Seokjin shifted uncomfortably as Lee squeezed his thigh slightly and he pulled his legs away, much to the officer's dissatisfaction. He was mesmerized by how pretty Seokjin was, and the soft skin that he kneaded under his hand was just addicting. But he was an officer on duty, so he cleared his throat and regained himself.

He remembered the day he was first assigned to work under Seokjin's building. He was excited to meet the man that he had looked up to so much, but he didn't expect the CEO to be so handsome and attractive. You could say he fell in love at first sight, but it seemed Seokjin simply had no feelings for him. By the time his assignment was completed, he had left with an empty heart and a heavy mind.

"When are they coming back?" He asked quietly, feeling hot under the officer's stare.

"When they finish questioning." The officer replied nonchalantly. "You should get more rest, Seokjin. You still look really pale."

Nodding, although he felt highly uncomfortable, Seokjin tucked the blankets over his body and turned over, closing his eyes. He didn't know how, or when, but he must've fallen asleep at some point, because when he woke up, he saw Jimin and Namjoon sitting next to him, talking quietly under their breaths. It was dark, and the lamps were on. It must be some time around night.

"Seokjin?" He flinched as he heard Jimin's voice crack. "You awake?"

"Yeah," he murmured. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay." He heard his voice waver. "I didn't realize Tae had gotten so strong. I hadn't eaten when I fought so I wasn't in my best ability to fight, but I had to protect you from him. You don't know what kinds of things Tae does when he's like that." He saw Jimin shudder.

Seokjin sat up. "Why was he like that? He just...went mad and started tearing things apart."

"I'm pretty sure you know by now, but Taehyung's different from most vampires. He's called a binge eater, or what we like to call him, a cannibal." He pursed his lips. "Their kind is strong because they eat so much, and they'll eat anything but animals. Vampires are a delicacy to them; they're so morbid that there's cases where Taehyung's kind have even eaten their own family and friends in desperation for food."

Seokjin's stomach churned.

"Unless they sign an oath, they'll continue to grow their appetite. I met Tae when he only had to eat one person to be satisfied, but until he met you, he had to find fourteen unlucky humans or vampires to stay sane." Jimin clutched his neck and let out a moan. "That motherfucker tried eating me. He's dangerous, and crazy. That's why I was so desperate to have you be his submissive: his appetite will dwindle if he keeps drinking your blood."

Seokjin swallowed back a wave of nausea and nodded. "So am I risking my life every time he's hungry?"

Jimin sighed. "In a way, yes, but he's strong enough to hold back. He was just really hungry this time, I don't really know why."

Seokjin nodded, laughing a little when the door creaked open and he saw Taehyung's hollow face peer in. Seokjin swallowed, suddenly feeling his stomach drop in fear. "Hi," he mumbled, cringing when he heard Taehyung make a small animalistic noise in reply. Behind him, he spotted Officer Lee, his face contorted with impatience as he pushed Taehyung forward with a gun.

"You're looking healthy." Taehyung's voice was low, but gentle. His eyes held nothing but deep affection and Seokjin found himself melting as he gazed at those loving eyes, toes curling a little as Taehyung grazed his lips against his.

"How are you?" Seokjin whispered, eyes closed as Taehyung pulled away. "What did they do to you?"

"Nothing. They asked me dumb questions about you." Taehyung lowered his lips to Seokjin's neck and the older let out a mumble of discomfort, and Taehyung pulled away immediately. "Are you scared of me?"

Seokjin looked away, his neck tingling from where Taehyung's lips had rested for a moment.

"I understand. I was...rough on you." Taehyung pressed a warm kiss to the jagged mark on his neck and pulled away. "Just know I'll never do that again, my love."

Seokjin smiled warmly up at his boyfriend, glancing at where Jimin was eyeing Taehyung suspiciously, awaiting some sort of recognition. But he didn't receive any because Officer Lee seemed very uncomfortable and jealous, shoving Taehyung and snapping the vampire's gaze away from his.

"Enough talk," Officer Lee snapped, pulling him away, "'have a good night, Seokjin' is all that's needed to be said."

Taehyung glared at him. "Maybe if I weren't in front of my submissive I would've torn your liver out from your mouth." He bared his teeth defiantly while Lee rolled his eyes and trudged out of the room, where Seokjin could smell the slight crisp scent of Taehyung. "Goodnight, baby." Taehyung smiled, licking his top lip before following the officer out.

The door slammed shut and Seokjin leaned back onto the pillows, sighing. "Motherfucker didn't even say hi." Jimin muttered, smiling amusedly at Seokjin. He stretched his arms out, wincing at the tug of his wounded muscles. "I'm gonna go home. I need to heal. You gonna be okay here alone?" He stated at Seokjin.

Hesitantly, he nodded. "I'll be fine. Thanks for staying."

"Alright. Goodnight then." He heard Namjoon repeat his words quietly, the younger lifting his head up with heavy eyelids. What Namjoon did that made him so tired, Seokjin didn't know, but he brushed Namjoon's arm comfortingly as he stood to leave.

Seokjin watched Jimin and Namjoon leave, Namjoon bustling sleepily after Jimin. The door closed quietly and Seokjin could only sigh again as he leaned over to turn off his lamp and watch the stars twinkle outside of the large window.

"What a fucked up world," he hummed, before sliding deeper into the sheets and falling asleep.

is this book even good anymore? can y'all suggest some really well written fanfics for me because i'm dying here and i need some inspiration.

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