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Jungkook was pretty much a mess by the time Yoongi had come back home.

He was sprawled out on the floor, staring at Yoongi with these round, bunny eyes that had him staring guiltily away as he brewed himself another cup of coffee. The area where he had thrown his coffee mug was spotless, and Jungkook's sad, hurt eyes followed him everywhere.

"H-hyung," Jungkook whispered gently, not wanting to anger the elder. He really just wanted to prove himself to Yoongi and stood up slowly, tears welling up in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away and, wrapping his arms on the bathrobe he was wearing, loosened it. The cloth pooled at his feet and when Yoongi turned around he nearly dropped the coffee mug. "P-please," he whimpered, showing off his body. Maybe, just maybe if Yoongi had sex with him that love would return to him. "Please hyung."

Yoongi blinked, staring at Jungkook's pale yet toned body, the way his cock remained soft even with Jungkook's hands fondling the base of it. Yoongi sighed, placing his mug down and walking towards Jungkook. He heard the younger's breath hitch as Yoongi crouched down and pressed his lips to the younger's inner thigh.

Still, he obviously wasn't turned on so Yoongi rose and kissed him gently. "Look, Kook," he mumbled against the thin lips, "I'm sorry about what I said earlier..."

Jungkook wrapped his arms neatly around Yoongi's neck and breathed out gently, "M'sorry for not being good enough..."

"No, no baby you're fine," Yoongi murmured back, squeezing Jungkook's ass and causing him to whimper into his mouth, "I-I just got angry, so...so calm down, okay? Do you wanna go take a bath with me and we'll figure out what to do with the Hoseok situation? I can tell you miss him...I miss him too, baby."

Jungkook didn't even realize the hot tears dribbling down his cheeks and he pressed his head against Yoongi's chest. "Yeah. I'd like that."



Hoseok once again turned around to see a young, teenage boy pointing at him. His hand wrapped around Seokjin's hand tightens and Seokjin straightens his shoulders to glower at the boy. "Where's your mother, kid?" He growls out, and the kid snickers.

"Down the aisle—Mom! I found a pregnant dude! I've only seen these kinds of guys online!" The kid cackled and pointed again at Hoseok's rounded belly. He was due soon, no doubt, which only made Hoseok shrink further closer to Seokjin and Seokjin simply pulled the younger closer to him until their thighs were touching and continued to gaze at the vitamin pills in front of him.

"You said vitamin D, right? Yeah, I heard that helps cramps." Seokjin nodded and picked out a healthy-looking option. "C'mon, Hobi, stop stressing over those fucktards. Let's go buy this and we'll go home."

Hoseok said nothing, just followed Seokjin to the self-checkout registers and quickly paid for it. "Hoseok, there's a cafe over at the entrance. Do you want a strawberry smoothie or some bread?"

"How about none." Hoseok returned flatly. "I'm already fat enough...everyone's giving me looks."

Seokjin pursed his lips. "Hoseok...you need to stay full and healthy for the baby. Besides, once you have this child, you're gonna be feeding three vampires. That's a lot of work." He sighed and ordered a strawberry smoothie and sat Hoseok down. "You need to stop stressing out, Hobi."

Hoseok pouted and rested his chin on the table. "Whatever," he muttered, closing his eyes as he waited, secretly grateful to indulge himself in a familiar taste of strawberries and milk, and still holding tightly onto Seokjin's hand. "I've been feeling so sick lately. I'm just wondering when the hell I'm gonna pop this kid out 'cause it's causing me a lot of pain."

"Mm, haven't you gone in for an ultrasound yet?" Seokjin asked.

"Yoongi and Kook said they'll be able to identify gender by my symptoms and scent." Hoseok responded. "But they're not here, and I wanna save money."

"I mean, I could always do it for you," Seokjin shrugged. "If you're worked up about saving money and all."

Hoseok shook his head. "I'll keep it a surprise."

Seokjin nodded, lifting his head when someone called out Seokjin's strawberry drink and he left briefly to fetch it. He set the drink down in front of Hoseok, another cup of sweet coffee in his hand for himself and the two sipped their drinks quietly.

"I really miss them," Hoseok whispered a little tearfully.

Seokjin smiled. "Yeah. But don't worry, Taehyung said you'll be able to see him soon."


sorry for the short chapter but i'm having one of those days again today.

also i have the worst digestive system ever :( if y'all can eat and not worry about what pain ur gonna go through after be grateful :(( cause i can't eat anything the slightest bit irritating to my stomach or i'll be in bed all afternoon just wondering if i'm gonna throw up or become dead inside because i just can't digest it. tums and pepto are my best friends 🙃 they taste disgusting

anyways, how have you all been? pls leave more comments so i can have more conversations. talk to this lonely potato pls

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