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"Hello, Jeongha." Seokjin smiled down at Lisa's healthy son, staring meekly up at Lisa's more sharp-tongued wife. She was kind, but fierce, and protective for her only son, having two miscarriages in the past, Seokjin couldn't help but pity her, witnessing Namjoon's first miscarriage had disheartened him for such a long time, he couldn't imagine having two.

"Uncle!" Jeongha chirped, looking up from his bowl of what looked like Seokjin's blood. "Mama gave me some more of your tasty blood." Jeongha grinned as Seokjin crouched in front of the boy, ruffling his hair.

"Did she? Well, I'm glad she did. You are getting strong, Jeongha!" Seokjin laughed when Jeongha jumped in his seat.

"He has Lisa's spirit," Jenny's low voice came from the kitchen counter and Seokjin looked up, "but I hope he has my mindset. Lisa's a bit air-headed sometimes."

Jeongha finished up his meal and got up, only to trip and fall. Jenny sighed. "Never mind."

"Ah, is she here?" Seokjin asked. "I wanted to give some more of my blood." He gestured to the plumpness of his arms and thighs. "Are the other kids doing well?"

"Thanks to you," Jenny sniffed. "But seriously, you're feeding twenty-five children. How can your body produce so much? What species was your ex?"

Seokjin fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. Lisa had never asked for exactly who and what Taehyung was, but Jenny was witty, and her eyes narrowed at Seokjin's hesitance. "Don't tell me it was one of those binge-eaters."

Seokjin snapped his gaze up. "Is there something wrong about that?"

Jenny groaned. "Oh, God it was?" Her eyes sparked red and she leaned in. "Kim Taehyung?"

Seokjin pursed his lips. God, was Tae really that famous in the vampire community? What had he done to get his name branded into the brain of almost every vampire he met? The one time he mentions a binge-eater it's always Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung!

She reeled back, scoffing almost. "I can't believe this! You actually trusted your life to that maniac?" Jenny looked troubled. "Did he beat you when he left?"

"Beat me?" He echoed. "No! He just...he just left." He answered meekly. "It was surprising; I-I thought he loved me."

Jenny's eyes softened. "Not all relationships will be rimmed in gold, sweets." She leaned in to sniff at his neck, before pulling down his shirt collar. Seokjin yelped, flushing at how close the female was. She sniffed down at the healing mark on Seokjin's neck and licked it, before reeling back in disgust. "Ugh, it still tastes and smells like him, too!"

Seokjin adjusted his collar. "Were you two close?"

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I guess, that was until he tried eating Lisa!" Her eyes blazed with a hidden fury. "I never forgave that bastard. He can rot in the depths of hell for touching Lisa in that...revolting manner! Only I can touch her like that." She sniffed crossly, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. "She's mine."

Seokjin felt a twinge of jealousy. Why couldn't Taehyung have done that for him? And for Pete's sake, how many vampires had he tried to maul?!

"I apologize on his behalf—"

"Why are you apologizing?" Jenny cut him off. "It's him that should. One day, I want to bring him to his knees and force him to beg at Lisa's feet for forgiveness!"

Seokjin chuckled weakly. "Yeah, I do, too." He glanced at the clock on the wall. "I should go. Thanks for the company, Jenny."

She waved him off, scooping a pouting Jeongha into her arms. "See you, Jin. Stop by again tonight, Lisa'll be there."

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