Finaly moving CH.1

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July18, 20017
"Honey get up you are going to miss your flight you need to be there by 6" said my mom "I'm going I'll be down in a little" i walked in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror for about 3 minutes then turned the shower on a got in I was still really tired because it was 4 in morning when I got out I got changed into this outfit ⤵️

July18, 20017"Honey get up you are going to miss your flight you need to be there by 6" said my mom "I'm going I'll be down in a little" i walked in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror for about 3 minutes then turned the shower on a go...

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Then I put my hair up into a messy bun like this⤵️

Then I put my hair up into a messy bun like this⤵️

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I tried a new look so I did my makeup like this⤵️

Once I was finished doing my hair and makeup it was 5:15 and I wanted to go say by to my bff that lived a block away from my house i put my suitcase in the trunk and got in the car while my mom drive to my bffs house i seen here get home from walk...

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Once I was finished doing my hair and makeup it was 5:15 and I wanted to go say by to my bff that lived a block away from my house i put my suitcase in the trunk and got in the car while my mom drive to my bffs house i seen here get home from walking her dog and ran up to her and hugged her till my mom honked the horn saying it was time to go I was trying really heard not to cry because it would ruin my makeup we said our last goodbyes and parted separate ways. About 30 minutes later we got to the airport my mom was crying when we hugged "Don't forget to call or text me when u land so I know you are ok"my mom said still crying "I know mom but please stop crying ur gonna make me cry to and make me change my mind" I said as my voice started cracking at the end " No no honey don't I want you to go and experience LA with you're brothers and have fun" ok I have to go through security but I love you mom" " bye honey I love you to" (idk what they do in the airports so I'm sorry my loves) I went to Starbucks before my plain took of and got raspberry tea and boarded my plain I was really tiered so plugged in my headphones and feel asleep listening to my brothers new song (the song is at the top)

Skip to when she got her suitcase

When I got my suitcase I walked around looking for Logan...hold up pause real quick u might be wondering how Ik Logan well he's my older brother he's letting me live with him in LA as my birthday wish I am now 16 but enough about me talking about my birthday and how Ik Logan back to the story
When I spotted him I dropped my bags and ran to him and jumped in his arms once I got down I noticed that there was a guy with a camera recording us and I thought it was paparazzi so I flipped him over on to his back and Logan was recording it until he said "oh damn chill baby sis that's Brendan North my photographer and videographer he was recording us" "oh I thought he was like paparazzi or sum shit like that" I said "nah but damn u got skills little one what ele u know well I took karate, dance, Ballet, and gymnastics back home" I told him "he was shocked that I could do that "why didn't I know" he asked "maybe because u never called me or texted me to talk" I answered "oh yeah sorry about that but I'm here know and let's just make all that time we had apart from each other and have fun" he said "sounds fun" I said "let's go I'm tiered and I want to go sleep" he just laughed and got my luggage and started walking we got to his apartment and showed me to my room he said that he and Evan would be sharing a room so that I could have some privacy "I had lydia go bye you a big Samsung 8 tv and an apple computer and an iPhone X it's on the dresser" "thanx Logan but u didn't have to do all of this I would have been fine with a small tv and my iPhone 7plus" I told him "Ik but know u can have to phones and I wanted to spoil u after all it is ur birthday and u wanted to move in with me idk why u wanted to but ok just kidding I'm glad ur here baby sis"he said hugging me " I'm glad I'm here to big bro" I said as I pulled away
Skip to night time because I'm tiered and yeah
We got home from going out to eat and i was really tired so I went in the shower and got into some comfortable clothes that looked like this⤵️

hold up pause real quick u might be wondering how Ik Logan well he's my older brother he's letting me live with him in LA as my birthday wish I am now 16 but enough about me talking about my birthday and how Ik Logan back to the story When I spott...

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And with my Gucci sandals

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And with my Gucci sandals

Once I was done I put my hair in a ponytail and walked to Logan room to say good night but he wasn't there it was weird because he didn't say anything about going out so I guess it was just me and kong then I got a glass of water and walked to my ...

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Once I was done I put my hair in a ponytail and walked to Logan room to say good night but he wasn't there it was weird because he didn't say anything about going out so I guess it was just me and kong then I got a glass of water and walked to my room with kong following behind me I turned on Netflix and watched Chucky the movie and fell asleep cuddled up in bed with kong
3 in the morning
I woke up to kong barking at the front door I heard shouting and banging on the door but I couldn't recognize whose voice it was so I grabbed the bat that for some reason was on the floor I went to open the door and saw........

Don't you just hate cliffhangers lol hello my loves💘 this is my first book and I want to see what u guys think leave a comment and have a nice day or night bye my loves❤️😘✌️

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now