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A/n her age is know 17

Next day

I woke up to my phone ringing I picked it up and saw that it was my mom. I haven't seen or talked to her in a while. I got out of Jonah's arms with out waking him up.

I walked outside to talk to here.

Answer Decline

"I baby girl" Pam said

"Hi mom" I said

"How have you been do you like living with Logan" Pam said

"I've been good and it's fun living with Logan and when he's not here for business trips the why don't we boys keep me company" i said

"How have you been" I asked

"Good good but I have some news for you"Pam said

"Bad or good"I asked

"Good but I am going to stay with you and Logan for 3 days and 3 with Jake" Pam said

"Yeah my flight is for Monday at 10:20 so you can pick me up and keep it a secret from Logan ok"

"Ok I can't wait I have to go know but I love you so much mom" I said

"Ok I love you to baby girl bye" Pam said
End call

I walked back inside and got the keys to Logan's Dodge Challenger

I walked back inside and got the keys to Logan's Dodge Challenger

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(Since it's red now I chose this picture)

I went to go get chipotle for the boys and a salad for me and some Starbucks for everyone.

I got to chipotle first and ordered everyone's food

"That will be $39.50 dollars" the cashier said I handed him the money and he was writing something on my receipt than handed it to me with the food.

I walked away and seen he put his number on it and I turned around and smiled than took my phone out and put the number in and wrote my number down and went to give it to him.

"I'll text you later" he said with a smile and a wink while I smiled and walked away

"Oh and I might not text back" I said jokingly

"Darn hope you do though" he said with a chuckle at the end

Then I went Starbucks and ordered it and went to Smart & Final to get my salad and went home and set the food on the table

"Wake up its time to get up it's 8:29" i yelled out no one woke up

"I have chipotle"I yelled out everyone came out running

"I heard you have my chipotle" Dani said witch made me laugh a little

"Ok so the food is right there and the drinks are right there" I told them

"Who wants to watch Logan get pranked by Jake" I said

"We do" they all said and sat down with there food and drinks with them

I laughed and we watched him get pranked and laughed

"Why'd you wake up so early" jack asked

"I always wake up early I'm always up by six unless I don't feel good but sometimes I just lay in bed and watch tv or go on my phone" I told him

"Oh ok" he said back

We all finished eating and decided to go out and do something Corbyn, Zach and I decided to match and put on what we bought ⤵️

"Aww you guys are so adorable" Logan said we just laughed and we took both of Logan's car in the yeti is Logan jack and Daniel and Brendan in the dodge is Jonah in the drivers seat and Zach and me in the back with Corbyn in the passenger seat

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"Aww you guys are so adorable" Logan said we just laughed and we took both of Logan's car in the yeti is Logan jack and Daniel and Brendan in the dodge is Jonah in the drivers seat and Zach and me in the back with Corbyn in the passenger seat

"Let's play some music" Corbyn said

"Play Dua lipa new rules" I said and he turned the volume up and put the windows down and we just sand and laughed.

We followed Logan because he didn't tell us where we were going after about 20 or 30 minutes me got to our destination the bowling alley

We had fun and stayed there until 3 than Logan had to leave for a meeting so we decided to rent a couple movies we got Anabel, beauty and the beast, and IT

"What movie do you want to watch first" Zach asked me

"Annabelle" I said as I walked to go make popcorn

"Ok Annabelle it is" he said I came back and gave jack the popcorn and Zach the other one I sat next to him and covered with a blanket while he kept on tugging on the blanket

"Zach I'm cold and ur tugging on it" i said in a baby voice

"Fine we can share" he said and put a hand over me and I cuddled up into his chest he felt so comfortable and we just watched the movie i looked up at him because he kept on staring at me.

"What" i said with a little laugh

"Oh nothing just admiring the Beaty in front of me"he said with a smirk on his face

"Stop it" i laughed and started blushing we just talked quietly so they can hear and when I laughed or he laughed I noticed Daniel and jack look at us with a mad face but i ignored it

"Zach I'm tired I'm gonna go to sleep"I told him

"I'll go with u I'm tiered to"he said

"Ok" is all I said

We walked out of the living room and in to my room it was 4 but I was tiered and I went to close the blinds so it can be dark because I can't sleep with lights on so we laid down I was faced towards the window and he hugged me from behind and we fell asleep like that


I heard laughing and seen a light go of and seen the boys taking pictures I ignored it and fell back to sleep and told them to leave.

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now