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I'm gonna start just putting chapter and the number because I don't know what to name them anymore
I got changed into a cute but simple outfit ⤴️ with some white high to Nike shoes and put a little bit of makeup.

"Okay I'm ready lets go" I said to them

"Okay boys lets go have fun and shop" said Logan

When we got there we seen fans fun up to the boys and Logan while I was taking the pictures for them.

"We have to go now but it was nice meeting you guys love you all" said Logan

"We are gonna split up into groups and meet up at the food court after ok" said Logan

"Ok" we all said

"Ok so Corbyn, Jackie, and Zach in one group then it's Jack and Daniel and me and Jonah" Logan said

"C'mon baby face and bean" I said with a laugh as I put my hands on zach and Corbyn's shoulders and their hands around me as we walked away

"So how about we all get matching shoes" said Corbyn

We just nodded our heads and started walking to the shoe store and looked around we looked around and got these⤵️

We just nodded our heads and started walking to the shoe store and looked around we looked around and got these⤵️

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We also got some matching clothes. This on shows a girl but just imagine that in a boy form for them and I got my gift a crop top while there's was normal ⤵️

When we were finished we looked at the puppies than went to meet up with the rest of the boys we ordered salads and Jamba Juice than ate and talked

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When we were finished we looked at the puppies than went to meet up with the rest of the boys we ordered salads and Jamba Juice than ate and talked

When we were walking around for a little more and we seen Cameron holding hands with some other girl and it made me cry so I ran to the nearest bathroom


I seen Jackie run with tears in her eyes and was wondering why she took off than I seen Cameron with another girl and I went up to him and punched him and said

"You jerk" than ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door

"Who is it" she said with a shaky voice

"It's me zach can I come in or can you come out" I asked/said

She unlocked the door and I went in to talk to her but she just hugged me and cried while I asked if she wanted to talk

"Why did he do this to me" she asked me

"Because he's stupid he doesn't know what he's missing out on" I told her

"When I seen him with her it made me sad and i took of"

"I know and i went up to him and punched him and came running after you" I said

"Thank you" she said laughing I wiped her tears away and said

"Let's go back to the boys"I said she nodded and we walked back

"Hey are you ok?" Said Logan

"Yeah I am know zach talked to me" she said and smiled at me I smiled back at her

She came up to me and said "thank you again baby face" then hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and made me blush

Jackie's P.O.V

When I gave zach a kiss on the cheek he blushed and it was so cute he was like a brother to me he helped me and I'm glad I can count on him to be there for me just like can be there for him

"Ok can we go home now I'm tiered"I said Logan nodded and we got in the care

Logan was driving Corbyn was in the front seat then it was Jonah me and Daniel in that same order in the back was Zach and jack.

I started feeling sleepy so I laid my head on Jonah's shoulder and he put his arm around me and put his hoodie on me and I fell asleep


When she laid her head on Jonah and he gave her his hoodie and put his arm around her it made me jealous but I wasn't dating her so idk why I was like that I just looked out the window and ignored it
Back to Jackie"S P.O.V his was short i know but there will be more of his P.O.V later on in the book

Jonah woke me up so we should go inside I was handing him his hoodie but he said I can use it for know it was big so it went above my knees I took a shower and put on that with the hoodie ⤵️

They all slept in my room to keep me company Jonah and I were cuddled up and Corbyn was on the other side of me and Zach was on the other side of Corbyn the rest were on Logan's bed Daniel just kept on looking at me and Jonah with anger in his eye...

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They all slept in my room to keep me company Jonah and I were cuddled up and Corbyn was on the other side of me and Zach was on the other side of Corbyn the rest were on Logan's bed Daniel just kept on looking at me and Jonah with anger in his eyes but I ignored him and feel asleep in Jonah's arms feeling safe and worm

I am trying something new and tell me if u guys like this or the old way I wrote bye loves

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now