9 years later

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Hey I'm ending the book here I had fun writing it I hope you liked it and idk if I will make another book or not so tell me if I should or shouldn't

"Good morning princess" I said to Lina my 4 year old daughter

"Good morning mama" Lina said

"Where is daddy at" she asked

"He's right behind you" I said

"Daddy" Lina said

"Hey how did You sleep babygirl" jack said

You might be wondering jack I thought it was Daniel Well you see when everything happened with Logan and we went to Ohio about 1 week into being their Daniel cheated on me with the same girl he did last time and I found out that it was his "best friend" Angelina when all that happened my brothers kicked him out of the house and he went back to la and stayed with her and me and jack got really close and I gave him a chance and after that we got married and had a beautiful 4 year old named Lina Marie Avery we put Marie because Christina wanted us to put it and we did.

"Ok ready to go" jack asked

"Yeah" I said

We drove to the doctors and waited till they called us in "ok take a seat and lift up You're shirt please" Dr. Hernandez said I did as he said and he put on some jell and let me tell you that was cold

"Ok you're baby is ok would you like to know the gender" the doctor asked did I not mention we were having another kid Well now you know

"Yes" me and jack said

"Congratulations you're having a boy" he said and I started crying after we left and went to take Lina with her uncle Jake and aunt Erika

When we stoped her off we went to go shopping for the new baby and we had people go fix a room for him and everything

"So what should we name him" I asked jack

"I don't know what do you think" he asked while we looked at the baby clothes

"Why don't we name him after you" i said

"You want to name him jack" he asked me

"Yeah" I said

"Ok I like it" jack said

"I do to" I said

9 months later September 1

The baby was born and he's so small and handsome he has jacks smile and my blue eyes.

"We need to know the baby's name" one of the nurses said holding a clipboard

"Jack Matthew Avery" I said she wrote it down and jack walked out with her to sign the papers to let me out after we went home and settled in

The end Bye loves hope you enjoyed this book Ik its a small chapter to the ending but yeah i wanted to do something bye 💕💕

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now