I Dont Like Him😡CH.3

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This will be half of Daniel's P.O.V and half Jackie's P.O.V enjoy my loves❤️

July20, 2017
When I got back home from going out with my boyfriend btw her bf will be played by Cameron Dallas⤵️

When she got back there was no one home she went to the kitchen to get some juice and seen a note from Logan on the counter it said "Hello baby sis me and the wdw boys went out to the movie we will probably be back at 10 because they are arguing r...

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When she got back there was no one home she went to the kitchen to get some juice and seen a note from Logan on the counter it said "Hello baby sis me and the wdw boys went out to the movie we will probably be back at 10 because they are arguing right know about what movie to watch but anyway have a good night and no boyfriend allowed over bye ily" "ok so I guess it's just you and me home alone again...come on let's watch some tv" "come here baby" kong hoped on my lap and I went on Netflix and watched teen wolf my eyes started feeling heavy so I ended up falling asleep on the couch after about an hour or so I felt someone pick me up so opened my eyes but it was dark so didn't know who it was so punched them in the face and flipped him over when the lights came on I seen it was Daniel and helped him up while everyone was laughing I felt so bad "omg I'm so so sorry I got scared" "it's ok but u punch hard" "ik i told u I took karate" "here let me get u an ice pack" I handed him it but he just kept on staring at me I thought it was weird but I just shook it off
Daniels P.O.V
When we got home I seen that Jackie had fallen asleep on the couch and I didn't want to wake her up because she looked so adorable when she sleeps so I picked her up and took her to the room or at least I tried until she punched me in the face and flipped me on to the floor she helped me up and said "omg I'm so so sorry I got scared" "it's ok but u punch heard" I told her "ik i told u t took karate" she said "here let me get u an ice pack" she was handing me it but I couldn't help but stair at her she was so pretty but I got snapped out of my thought when she put the cold Ice pack on my face i took it from her and she walked away she said "we'll good night you guys don't ever pick me up again while I am asleep or it might be worse than that just kidding but bye don't come in my room and yeah bye" she said while laughing at the end and walking off we all said Good night and got settled in the living room and we realized Logan was In his room already "Good night you guys" I said to them while they were looking through Netflix and once my head hit that pill I was fast asleep
2 in the morning
I woke up and had to us the bathroom so went to Logan's room but it was locked so went in to Jackie's room she was on her phone so I closed it and nocked so she wouldn't get mad she said "come in" "can I borrow your bathroom Logan's door is locked and I really need to go" she said "ok go ahead" I walked by but before I went in I asked "why are you still up it's 2 in the morning" "ik but I couldn't sleep so yeah" "oh" that's all I said then walked to the bathroom when I got out she was watching (paranormal activity) I liked those movie " do u mind if I goin u" she just patted the empty spot next to her I payed down and she would get scared and jump so I hugged her and she fell asleep around 3:30 or so I was falling in love with her but I don't know if she feels the same way. We were cuddled up together and I woke up to a flash going off but she was still asleep Logan said "dud you know she has a boyfriend right" I didn't know she did "no but we were watching a scary movie and we feel asleep that doesn't mean I like her" I lied I really do like her "oh ok did we're going out for breakfast but we don't want to keep leaving here alone so do you want to stay to go" "I'll stay I need to shower anyway" "ok did peace" "bye" is all I said that thought of her having a boyfriend made me sad and angry because it's not me that's with her and yes ik i just met the girl but come on how can u not like her she's amazing but I just stoped thinking about it and got in the shower I came out in a towel thinking she was asleep but she wasn't and I forgot to get my clothes out so she seen me and turned around so I ran by fast and in to the living room when I was gonna go change in the bathroom she was getting her stuff ready to go in so she said "change in here so I can shower" I just nodded and closed the door while she went in the bathroom then her phone went of and it said bae and it showed a picture of Cameron Dallas and I was just like she's dating the Cameron Dallas so I knocked on the bathroom door and she said it was open I walked in and she was in the shower i said "your getting a phone call" "oh thank you can u hand me a towel from that closet I gave it to her and she turned the water of and walked out and answered it while I walked out seeing that made me really jealous I got dressed in to this for the day⤵️

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