
878 13 1

December 22,2017

I woke up and found Zach asleep with his head on my lap I picked up my phone from the night Stan next to me and checked the time it was 6:00 I tried getting up and not wake Zach up but failed.

"Hey where you going" he asked

"I'm gonna go shower" I said

"But I'm tiered and you're my pillow" he said

"Zach let her go" jack said

"Fine I'll us jack than" Zach said

"Why me there is a pillow right there next to you" jack said

"I don't care" Zach said and laid his head on jacks back

"Ok soo... I'm gonna go shower now bye" I said

I got in the shower and washed my body hair and face than shaved and got out i dried my self with a towel than wrapped it around me and blow dried my hair I walked out and luckily they were asleep because i forgot to get my cloths I walked to the closet and closed the door and looked it than looked for a good outfit to wear because I had meeting to go to photo shoots to do that I missed and check up on how the store is doing. I Finally found the right outfit.

After I chose my outfit I grabbed my makeup back and started doing my makeup and than went in the bathroom to do my hair

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After I chose my outfit I grabbed my makeup back and started doing my makeup and than went in the bathroom to do my hair.


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By the time I was done it was 7:00 and the boys were still asleep I had to leave by 9 to go to the 4 meetings I have to attend walked over to the bed and started shaking Zach but he wouldn't get up than I went to jack and still nothing I walked do...

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By the time I was done it was 7:00 and the boys were still asleep I had to leave by 9 to go to the 4 meetings I have to attend walked over to the bed and started shaking Zach but he wouldn't get up than I went to jack and still nothing I walked downstairs and into the kitchen grabbed a cup of water and went upstairs trying not to drop any of it I got to the room and pored the water on both of them they got up fast and jack fell to the floor I just stood their laughing uncontrollably.

"Why What did we do to you" Zach said

"Nothing But you guys didn't want to get up when I called you guys so yeah" I said

"You're mean"jack said with a pouty face

"And you're lazy now get up" I said walking to the door

"Wait why are you up so early and dressed like that" jack said getting up from the floor

"I have things to catch up on" I said stopping and turning around

"Can we go" zach asked

"Yeah can we" jack said

"No" I said

"Why not give me one reason why we can't go" Zach said

"Because...." I said

"Because What" jack said

"Ugg fine hey ready and dress decent but I'm warning you this is not fun we are going to meetings and the store I'm opening up ok"I said

"Ok we will be in the rooms getting ready" Zach said I just nodded and walked down stairs to make breakfast it was 7:20 I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon the boys came down and we ate by the time we were done it was 7:48 they helped wash dishes and i got blue ready to go with me we left the house at 8:15 and went to get Starbucks because why not we all got Carmel frappe we went to the first meeting and so on

*skip all the meetings because I'm lazy*

When we were done it was 4:45 and we went to the store to check on the workers that were helping make some final touches to it we walked around and they showed us around and explained what they were doing and of course jack and Zach had to go mess around and touch things I feel like just leaving them hear but than again can't because they wouldn't know how to get back home by themselves.

After we walked back to the car and I gave jack the dog because he was in the back why because Zach pulled him out of the front seat and sat down and locked the door so yeah we drove around thinking of what we should do

"Why don't we just go to the movies" jack suggested

"Sure" Me and Zach said The same time I drove back home and put blue in his play pen and put toys food and water and a pe pad and locked the door and went in the car and drove to the movies with the boys.

*skip car ride*

We got to the movies and bought tickets to watch Annabelle because Zach wanted to watch it even though he was scared we bought 3 tickets and got 1 large popcorn 3 drinks and gummy bears we went in and took a seat in the back it was Zach on the left of me and I was in the middle than jack we watched the movie and I would jump and hide in Zach's shoulder or jacks but when I would go to jack he would make me feel safe.

We finished the movie and jack drove home this time because I was tiered I went in the back and laid down and fell asleep

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now