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Same day as yesterday

I set up all of blues things and he played with kong but the por guy got tiered so he went in his cage and the boys played with blue so he won't wake up kong .

I had to go to a nearing with Jake to find me a manager because I was gonna be a model so I gave them a key to the house and Told them to not burn it down I went to pick up Jake so we could go to see a lady that worked with Selena Gomez and others


So good news I have a manager and she was amazing right away we clicked and I new she was the one so we exchanged numbers she was like in her 30's or so

We got back home and seen the boys were asleep and blue was in his cage and started jumping when he seen me walk into the door I picked him up out of his cage and took him to the room I put on the clothes that i got him that said that⤵️

We got back home and seen the boys were asleep and blue was in his cage and started jumping when he seen me walk into the door I picked him up out of his cage and took him to the room I put on the clothes that i got him that said that⤵️

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And played with him until Daniel walked in saying that the boys had to go talk about the tour that they were going to have and they were going to come back tomorrow at 3

"We are leaving Jackie you key is on the table"jack said

"Ok see you guys tomorrow"I said

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I got scared and seen it was Dani

"Omg you scared me I thought you were gone"I said

"No I did my thing yesterday do I didn't have to go again"he said

"Oh ok well I'm gonna go put her in her cage and lock the door so she won't leave or anyone won't come in" i told him he laid down and I walked downstairs and put blue in his play pen and he feel asleep I closed the curtains and locked the windows and doors and went to my room.

I walked in and saw Dani in only his pants

"Put your shirt on kiddo" I said

"C"mon I like you and ik u like it" he smirked and i walked to us the bathroom and when i was washing my hands the door opened and it was Dani

"Yes can i help you" I said while drying my hands and around the sink than hung up the towel he cam up to me and hugged me from behind and kissed my neck

"Dani stop can i go"i said laughing

"No I want you"he said

"No dani stop"I said

"Please" He said while turning me around

I wasn't gonna lie he has a great body so I just kissed him he picked me up and sat me on the counter of the bathroom and started kissing me and leaving hickeys all over my neck he took of my shirt and carried me to the bed he took his pants of and laid on top of me and than took hold my pants and I was just in my bra and underwear he pulled out a condom and slipped it on than it happened we did it not giving details because I just don't want to but yeah

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now