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November 2,2017

I woke up at 5 hearing blue barking at the backyard I got up and went to see what he was barking at I opened the door and seen aspen on the phone with someone I didn't know who she was talking to but I over heard here conversation

"Dad why can't I just stay here I don't want to go back" she said

"I don't care why does Atallia get to stay and I don't" i walked to her and she hung up right away and was crying

"What happened why are you crying" I asked she hugged me and cried into my shoulder

"My dad wants me to move back with my mom and Atallia is staying but I don't want to leave" she said in between sobs

"Why can't you stay" I asked

"He thinks there is something going on between me and jack but jack likes you and doesn't care about me" she said still hugging me and crying

"Oh sweetie let me talk to him tomorrow and see if he can leave you with me and I'll take care of you and plus u like Tristan right" I said

"Yes but he thinks I like jack and I did but not anymore" she said

"Ok I will have my manager set up a meeting with your dad and I will talk to him" I told her getting out of the hug

"Thank you i love you mom" she said with a smile on her face

"Anything for my daughter" I said laughing

"Ok let's go get ready for the day" I said walking to the house

I got in and made breakfast for the girls and called my manager

"Hey Alexa" I said

"Hey Jackie what can I do for you" she said

"I need you to make a meeting with aspens dad for today" I told her

"I will do that and call you back when I'm done" she said

"Thank you so much Alexa have a nice day bye" I said

"Bye you to" she said than hung up

I washed the dishes and got in the shower and got ready into this outfit



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Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now