3 months later Ch.12

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A/n idk what month I left on so we're gonna go with it's November also she has her own car now it's the picture on tope she has two

I've been dating Vincent for 3 months and a week and I've been happy me and the boys have been getting closer and closer to each other.

Vincent is moving next month and he asked if I wanted to move with home to NYC and don't get me wrong it's an amazing city but I can't I love LA and I don't want to move. He came over to see what my answer was.

"Hey so have you thought of my offer yet"he asked

"Yes I have and I think I'm going to stay here in LA I love it here it's beautiful I'm sorry"

"No it's ok I get it"he said kind of sad

"Also I don't know if I can do the whole long distance relationship I'm sorry but I think it's better if we brake up" I told him

"Ok but can I get on last kiss" he asked

"Sure why not" I said

We kissed for a long time than said our goodbyes
I walked back in and watched tv

"Hey" I looked up to see jack

"Hey noodles" I said

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned

"Yeah I mean it was better if we broke up I wouldn't be able to do it because I'm scared" I said

"Of what" he asked

"That he will cheat on me to" I said looking down playing with my fingers

"Hey look at me you are beautiful and one of a kind if would of cheated on u while he was over there he would of had to deal with me" he said

"Thank you" I said laughing

"How about we go grocery shopping because Logan has nothing in the fridge" he said

"Yeah lets go get the boys from the room so they can come to" I said getting up

"We're going grocery shopping who's going" I asked

"Me" they said at the same time I laughed and walked to my car

"Ok Jonah ur driving the Rang Rover because I don't trust them so it's Me Corbyn, jack and it's Jonah and Zach and dani" I said

"Ok" they all said

Skip car ride

I went to go get

• cookies
•ice cream
And the boys Putin different weird stuff and a lot of junk food I was paying and we walked out and put the stuff in both Cars and went home.

We had Logan come help bring the stuff than I put it away and made them some spaghetti and gave them strawberry milkshake and ate at the table than cleaned the house up and put Logan's bed back in his room. It was clean and I took kong out on to do his business then went to sleep it was the 27 of November.

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now