4 months later CH.5

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November 1
It's been four amazing months with Cameron I haven't talked to Daniel or the boys except Corbyn because he's my bestie but every time they come over I try and ignore them especially Daniel.
Cameron and I have been doing great but when ever he gets a call he walks out of the room I am and when I ask who it is he doesn't answer me he just acts like he didn't hear what I said today we are goin to just stay home and watch movies all day in my room.
Skip time to when he gets there around 2
When he got here we walked in my room and watched stranger things half way through watching it he got a phone call and walked out to the living room than cam back and said "I'm gonna is the bathroom real quick and the wdw boys are here and your brother" I just shook my head ok as he put his phone on the bed I wanted to check who was on the phone I looked through his contacts and went to recents and seen he was talking to some girl named Amber he came out of the bathroom an seen me with his phone he said "why do You have my phone" "what I want to know is WHO IS AMBER AND WHY WERE YOU TALKING TO HER" "Jackie just let me please explain" "WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN CAMERON THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH WHOEVER THE FUCK THIS BITCH IS" "i didn't mean to" "Just leave I don't want to see you anymore we're done you lost ny trust just leave me alone" I said with a shaky voice trying to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes but I couldn't as he walked out i feel on to the floor Logan heard everything and went and beat him up he came running to me and hugged me as I cried "it's ok he's not worth crying for baby sis he doesn't know what he lost he lost a beautiful, smart, talented, and the most amazing girl ever he's stupid for cheating on u with that slut" "thx but it hurts that I trusted him and you know how heard it is for me to trust someone and let them in my life I don't think I can ever trust anyone ever again" "it's ok and I understand but stop crying it breaks my heart seeing my baby sis cry over someone that's not important" "thx but i just want to lay down alone please" "yeah okay I understand bye love you" "love you to bye" I just went in the shower and stayed there for a while thinking I walked out and put on some nike booty shorts and a big thrasher shirt that went down a little over above my knees and laid in bed watching Disney channel like a little kid but it made me feel better after watching tv I fell asleep I woke up to a knock on my door and I tried to ignore it but they didn't go away so I got up to unlock the door and seen Daniel at the door he thought I had no pants on so he covered his eyes I said "oh no it's ok I have shorts underneath but what do you n" I said with a sassy tone at the end "I wanted to come check up on you and see how you are doing" i walked to my bed and turned the other way to not let him see me cry he walked up to me and said "I'm sorry he doesn't deserve you and you know that you deserve better" he told me while cleaning my tears away he just hugged me and whispered in my ear and said "I hope you know that I still love you and Ik u don't trust me but I hope I can gain your trust some day" he let go and started walking till I grabbed a hold of his shirt and stoped him and asked if he can stay with me he nodded and laid down with me I cuddled up to him and felt my eyes get heavy but before I feel asleep I said "please don't leave me like everyone else in my life" then feel asleep in his arms feeling safe

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