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A/n also Im righting this and it's December first and in the store it's The first of December to

December 1,2017

I woke up and seen Dani next to me I smiled and kissed him on the lips and went down stairs I was wearing one of Daniels big shirts and some small shorts I went to the kitchen to get water then felt arms around me I turned around and saw Daniel I smiled and walked back up stairs hand in hand.

"Hey can we put the tree up today" Atallia asked us

"Sure" I said

"Ok we're do you keep it" she asked me

"It's in the garage" I told her she ran out and got it with the ornaments

I looked at Dani and laughed

"I'm gonna go get ready" I told him

"Why just stay here with me and cuddle" he said pouting

"No I have to get ready I'm leaving jakes house at 1 and it's 10" i told him

"Fine can i get a kiss" he asked

"Yeah of course" I walked to him and kissed him then went to shower I got out and put on my outfit

Outfit, hair, and makeup ⤵️

I walked down stairs and they had the tee up with lights and were putting the ornaments that's what it looked like⤵️

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I walked down stairs and they had the tee up with lights and were putting the ornaments that's what it looked like⤵️

I walked down stairs and they had the tee up with lights and were putting the ornaments that's what it looked like⤵️

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"Wow that looks amazing you guys" I said smiling

"You should of helped" Jack said

"Ik but I had to get ready and leave girls are you coming or staying" i asked

"I'm going" they both said

They went to get changed and I waited for them and got blue and put on an adidas outfit and got his leash some food waters and a few toys and put it in a bag with bags for his business outfit

The girls came down and I gave Daniel a kiss and walked to the Range Rover and drove to Jakes new house we got there and knocked on the door and he opened the door shirt less and the girls were just staring at him with their mouths wide open

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The girls came down and I gave Daniel a kiss and walked to the Range Rover and drove to Jakes new house we got there and knocked on the door and he opened the door shirt less and the girls were just staring at him with their mouths wide open

"You guys are gonna catch flies in your mouths" I said laughing

"Huh oh um sorry"aspen said

"Hi little sis" jake said

"Hi big bro" I said back mocking him and gave him a hug

"Jake this is aspen and Atallia" he shook there hands and walked us in. He showed us around and it was big and clean for once

"So how'd you guys like the house" he asked us

"It was amazing" Atallia said

"It's big" aspen said

"It's great you did good bro" I said laughing

"Thx So you guys want to go out and eat" he asked

We said yea or sure and walked to my car and he was driving because he said he didn't trust me but I don't trust him

"So were are we going to eat" I asked

"How about we go to Starbucks and then to McDonald's" he said looking at us through the mirror

"Yeah Im but don't crash my care your going to fast" I said

"I'm not" he said laughing

We got to Starbucks drive through and got our drinks and than went to McDonald's we decided to go back to his house and eat there because it was packed we drove back once we got our food and of course we got the rest something

"Honey I'm home" he yelled no one said anything he than said

"I got food" they all came down running and we laughed

"Ok so your salad" he said handing me it and than gave everyone else there stuff

"Hi Jackie" Chance said hugging me

"Hi how are you" I said back

"Good" he said

Than Anthony came in and seen me and I ran to him and hugged him

"Omg Anthony how you been" I said

"Good how about you lil sis" he said while grabbing his food

"Good yo I can't believe I've been here and still haven't visited you" I told him

"Ik and I'm mad because I'm your bro" he said pretending to be sad and mad

We laughed and talked about how we need to go to Ohio together and visit while we ate our food it was getting dark so we said our goodbyes

"Ok so we need to go it's already 7:47" I said looking at my phone

"Ok see you soon" Jake said as he hugged me I hugged everyone and left to the car

In the car

"So how did you guys in joy spending time with that weirdo and his gang" I asked the girls while pulling out of the driveway

"It was fun that Anthony kid was cute" Atallia said smiling

"Yeah and that Tristan kid was to" aspen said biting her lip

"Aww my two girls have a crush on my bro Anthony and his friend Tristan I'll see what I can do maybe they like you guys to" I said laughing

"Hopefully" they said witch made me laugh again

We got home and they were all gone I got blue and put him down and took his leash off so he could run around

"Can we watch Netflix" aspen asked

"Yea what we watching" I said

"Teen wolf?" She asked/ Said

"Yeah sure" I said sitting on the couch

We watched tv for the rest of the night and feel asleep on the couch around 12

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now