How should i have know'n CH.4

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Dani said how they all like me it can't be then the thought of being best friends with Corbyn knowing he likes me is kinda weird for me but idk why but i feel like i can tell him anything even though I've known him so little of time. I had all these thoughts going through my mind then Daniel came in my room "can we talk" he asked "no I don't want to talk to anyone" "C'mon I just want to talk to u about what happened" "what's their to talk about" "can we please just talk" "fine come in" "thx" after about 3 minutes of awkward silence between us Daniel finally spoke up and said "so about what I said yes it's true we all do like u even Corbyn even though he has a girlfriend" I interrupted him by saying "Corbyn and I agreed that we would be best friends because he felt that it would be better if he just stayed away and thought of me as just a friend that he can trust so that's settled but about the rest" "yeah we now know that u have a boyfriend and I'm sorry i can't hold my feelings for you knowing that the person you love and adore is with someone else it's heard but there is something about him that feels off like he's hiding something but Idk what and..." "wait so know your trying to find a way to ruin my relationship with Cameron why do u want to ruin what we have" "I'm not trying to do anything to ruin it ok I'm trying to protect you from getting hurt because I truly do care about you but ur to blind to see that" "I DONT BELIEVE YOU IK THAT YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO RUIN IT AND I WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU ARE TRYING TO DO THAT WHEN I LOVE HIM" "I AM NOT TRYING TO RUIN ANYTHING AND TOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I CARE SO MUCH TO NOT HOLD MY FEELINGS BACK IS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU OK I LOVE YOU AND I AM NOT AFRAID TO SCREAM IT TO THE WORLD THAT I LOVE YOU BUT I GUESS YOU DONT FEEL THE SAME WAY" "bye Jackie I thought we could talk and work this out but I guess not" he said with his down and walking out with tears in his eyes what was I supposed to do why is this so heard I couldn't deal with this right now so I just went to sleep and forget about all of this drama and sleep.

Does Cameron actually have a secret no one knows about?
Is Daniel over reacting?
So much drama but hope you guys liked it ✌️💘

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