The daye Ch.11

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I heard a knock at the door but I was to lazy to get up so someone else opened it.

Daniel opened the door with out a shirt like this was his place but what ever

"Is Jackie here" I heard someone say

"Yeah hang on" Daniel said

"Jackie there is some guy here for you" he said with an annoyed tone

"Ok I'm going" I said

I walked out and seen Vincent standing with flowers and some chocolates his pictures is up tope he handed me the flowers and chocolates and put the flowers in a vase and put the chocolates in the kitchen and walked back to him

"Ready to go baby girl"he said with a smirk

"Yeah I am"I said he intertwined our fingers together and said

"You look beautiful as always" he said

"Thx you don't look to bad yourself" I said with a big smile

We walked out and he opened the door to car for me

"Why thank you"

"Anything for the queen" he said with a wink

"What movie are we going to watch" I asked him

"Well I thought maybe we could watch Everything Everything" he said while focusing on the road

"I like that movie"I said

We got to the movie theater and got popcorn and drinks and watched the movie and we may or may not have kissed through half of the movie.

He drove me home and walked me to the door I opened the door and he turned me around and kissed me than left

I walked in and was smiling heard

"Who was that" Daniel asked

"No one just a friend" I said

"He didn't look like just a friend to me" he said

"You don't just kiss a friend like that" he said walking to me

"Ok but why do you care" I told him walking back

"You know why I care" he said still walking closer to me

"No I don't" I said backing up until I hit the wall with my back

"Fine I'll tell you no never mind I'll show you" he said

He pined me to the wall and started kissing me the kiss lasted for about 4 minutes

"Dani stop please don't" I said walking away

"Stop What" he said/screamed it

"I just can't not now" I took a shower and put some shorts on and a tank top he was asleep on the bed so I went to the living room and slept there

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now