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December 17,2017

I woke up at 6 and seen zach by me I got up and walked back to my room I went to my closet and looked for some clothes but then I came across one of Daniels shirts and started crying on the floor. I was crying uncontrollably and loud that Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach came running in my room to see what was wrong I was still holding Daniels shirt.

"Jacky what's wrong...oh" jack said

"Take that away from her and anything that's his" Jonah said Zach ran to me and hugged me I cried in his chest.

"It's ok you will be fine he's not worth you're tears" Zach said

"Ik b-but h-he c-cheated on m-me and I c-can't h-help it t-that reminds m-me of him" I said stuttering

"I know I know but don't let him ruin you because he chose to do something stupid" Jonah said

"Let's get you to you're bed" Jonah said picking me up bridal style

"We are gonna make you something to eat" jack said they walked out and I cried again I couldn't get him out of my head

5 minutes later

"Hey we got foo.." zach stoped when he Sean me crying again and gave jack the food and walked to me

"Please don't cry you're making my heart break I don't like seeing my best friend like this" Zach said

"I don't either" jack and Jonah said

"Here eat this" Jonah said I pushed the plate of food away

"You have to eat something" jack said

I just stayed silent all I want to do is sleep and not talk to anyone I think that's what im gonna do stay silent no one even cares.

"Come in please eat for me" Zach said

I looked away and went under the covers and ignored them I don't want to deal with this I feel asleep.

Zach's P.O.V

I hate seeing her like that and it's all because of Daniel why did he do that to her she is amazing I don't know what to do she won't eat and is ignoring us. We stayed with her until She feel asleep.

"Let's leave her to sleep" I said

"You guys go I'm gonna stay with her" jack said

"Ok" me and Jonah said and walked out

See why couldn't it be jack that she dated he would have treated her way better than that dumb as Daniel I sighed and went back to the room I slept in and watched tv until I fell asleep.

Jacks P.O.V

I decided to stay with her I didn't want to leave her alone after all she's been through I wish that she would of liked me instead of Daniel why didn't I go up to her first and asker out.

I realized I was just standing there watching her and I walked to her bed and laid down wrapping my arms around her tiny body.

"You are beautiful and one of a kind I love you so much but you don't know or will ever know that because you like him and I'm just a friend I wish I talked to you first instead of him I know that I would have token good care of you and made you happy I know you can't Here me but I wish you could I wish that you were smiling and being happy like you always are I wish you loved me the way I love you I wish that you were mine I love you Jackie Ariana Marie Paul" I whispered in her ear knowing that she couldn't Here me I gave her a kiss on the head and fell asleep next to her

Ik it's short and I haven't update in to days but I was taking a break but I'm back 😁❤️

Not so innocent little Paul// Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery (completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now