Chapter ~ 7

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At the beginning I felt nothing, no warmth or coldness. Just empty.

As my mind is gaining conscience, I sense a pleasant sensation on my body, like a cozy blanket is being sheltered over me. I begin to feel the tingling of grass on my legs and arms.

My eyes slowly flutter open. The first I perceive is my hand hand neatly placed on the grass. My body starts to shift, but I still feel weak, my arms tiredly lifting my upper body so that I could take in more of the scenery.

"Where am I?..."

My exhausted eyes begin to expand more as I notice a blinding light from the sky. The light feels so warm and comforting.
Short breaths escapes my lips as I start to fully wake up from what I assume a deep slumber.

I manage to fully sit up, I rub my left eye as I take a glance at my surroundings. I find myself in an open field of grass, with mountains at the horizon and a beautiful sunset nearing the mountain top. (Like the picture above)

My mouth opens in wonder as does my eyes.
I had always been the one to admire the beauty in nature, especially the sky. So seeing this makes me forget everything that is going on and just admire its beauty in peace.

I persume a tender smile and feel the grass with my hands. Something about this place makes me fill with harmony, like I can stay here for eternity.

While I sit on the ground, I swirl my head to look straight upward and notice that stars are starting to appear.

It's so beautiful here

My gaze then turns down and I notice that I am wearing a white dress. I knit my eyebrows in confusion as I don't recall to have changed into these clothes. I move my finger and gently rub the fabric of the sleeve.

It feels so soft...

I gather some strength and lift myself off the ground, gazing around again to search for any other life but find none.
I sigh and begin sauntering towards the sun. There has to be a way I can find out how I even got here and what happened.

Is this a dream? It feels so real though

As I keep moving forward, I try my hardest to remember what happened before I fell asleep.
I remember shopping with Eren and-

Wait! Eren, I was with Eren! We were walking and then... I can't remember what happened.

What happened to Eren?!

I feel myself starting to panic, I have to make sure he is okay. I do have the responsibility to take care of him while he's here...but where is here?

And Eren isn't with me. What the hell happened?

Suddenly, a loud thunder sound forces me out of my daze. I scream in pure terror, my heart pounding from the abrupt sound. It's like the whole ground shook from the tremor, the sharp noice making my ears hurl.

"What the hell is going on?!" I shriek, holding my hands over my ears.

My gaze circles towards the sky, but nothing is there. There are no dark clouds bearing lighting. Could it be?...that's how it sounds when someone shifts into a Titan?

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