Chapter ~ 19

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Y/n - POV

The week quickly flew by with no special events. We all got to know Jack really well and turns out his father is filthy rich. Which leads to a peculiar situation right now...

"Holy shit! This house is huge" Kira gasps at the sight, followed by us all who can't help but be mesmarized. I have never been in the grounds of someone this rich before. Both Kira and I live in simple appartemnets during our whole life's. The only place is at Sarah's house who owns a more wealthier lifestyle.

Jack had invited us to his house since it is Saturday and everyone was free with nothing to do. We stand at the front gate of his residence after pondering over which house belonged to the Ravens. Let's say we were astounded once we found the desired address.

"Damn, this boy has it all" Sarah plucks her phone out to take a picture of his mansion like house. We head up to the huge front doors that possessed a diamond glass shape in the middle, real class I must say. Once we knock, a lady opens the door.

"Hello, who might you be?" She smiles politely at us.

"Hi, my name is Y/n L/n and this is Eren, Kira and Sarah" I point to my friends next to me. "We're friends of Jack from school" I explain and move my hands behind my back.

"Ah yes come in" The lady moves aside so we can enter. She closes the door and we turn to her. "My name is Rose and I am his guardian when Jack's father is gone for business trips" She kindly smiles to us.

Guardian huh

"Nice to meet you" We all greet her.

"Such nice kids, I am glad he found new friends" She grins kindly, "Let me go get him for you" She heads further inside the house.

The first thing I noticed when I entered was the the elegant staircases that starts parallel on each side of the room. It looks like they take you up to the second floor. In the middle of the room I can see a glass door, which probably leads you to the living room.

It is utterly beautiful here. My broke ass can never-

"Wow Jack forgot to mention this!" Kira's chocolate bright eyes stare off into the surroundings in wonder.

"Yeah, he sure did" Eren adds, surely he has never seen such a way of living. I can't imagine what he must be thinking of this world.

"Hey guys—You came!" Jack exclaims from the top of the stairs, causing us to gaze up with shock.

"Jack hey!" Kira waves at the white haired boy. He finds his way down and ambles over to us.

"I'm glad you all could come" He awards us a toothy smile. I never expected for him to be so rich and act so neutral about it, amazing. There are so many brats at our school...don't even get me started.

"Yeah thanks for inviting us, this place is amazing!" Sarah clasps her hands together and gawks at Jack. He chuckles and scratches his neck.

"It's all my dads, I lived an all different life with my mom" He looks down almost in shame. I wonder what happened with his family? Not my place to ask though, we don't know him that well.

Jack shows us around the house and we end up in his room where we chat a bit, and play a few video games. It was really a fun time, Rose then comes into the room with a lot of snacks and drinks.

"Thanks Rose" Jack smiles before he quickly turns to the tv with a determined look. "I'm going to beat your ass Kira!" Jack tries to pass Kira's car with determination.

They are playing a hefty Mario cart game "Oh hell nah!" Kira pushes a button and sends a blue turtle his way which explodes his cart.

"Yeah thanks so much for the hospitality Rose" I show her a bright grin with gratitude.

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