Chapter ~ 28

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I feel his hot breath, that's how close he is. A wave of butterflies swims in my tummy.

"E-Eren..." I mutter, feeling my knees grow weak. Is this really happening? Do I even know what's happening?

He intertwines his hand with mine, before pulling me into a warm hug. I visibly start shaking, this is too much for my heart to bare.

"There is no Ria and me" He clutches his hand around my back tighter" I-I would never..." His voice cracks up.

A wave of shock flushes over my face. He feels so bad and we aren't I mean, I did start crying, so I guess I'm no better.

"Hey..." I softly speak up. "It's okay Eren, I'm not mad" I gently run my hand through his chocolate brown hair.

What is even going on? Why is he reacting this way, why did I react that way?

Eren pulls away to look deep into my eyes. Guilt is painted on my features when I see how his lips are trembling. Is he afraid?

I want to reach out to him and ask him what's wrong, but no words are coming out. It's like we're back to square one, where we couldn't even speak to each other about our feelings.

The sun is starting to set, giving the sky a golden vibe, illuminating Eren's features. His eyes are glossy and his hair is slowly swaying in the breeze.

"I don't know Y/n" Eren says bitterly, he gazes down. I want to ask what he means, but it's like my voice has disappeared completely. "I don't know what's happening with me"

"E-Eren" I almost squeak out, my hands start to get sweaty again.

"But, I do know one thing..." His eyebrows furrows when he look into my eyes. I gasp as Eren grabs my neck and pulls me into him.

Our lips briefly touch before I realize that he is kissing me. A overwhelming feeling flows through my veins, I close my eyes and melt into the kiss.

"Mhm" I mutter as his hands makes it to my waist, pulling us closer than ever.

I've been waiting for this for a long time, haven't I? The feeling of his tender lips grazing mine, making my brain fly beneath the clouds.

After what feels like forever, he pulls away. I bite my lip slowly, tasting the remains. He takes a moment to breath, so do I. The way my heart was pumping during the kiss, makes it seem like I just ran a marathon.

Well, it's not the first time Eren has made my heart go crazy.

Wait! What does this mean? Are we...something? Or

These thoughts start to run inside my head. I feel really nervous all the sudden and I can tell that Eren noticed.

"Y/n are you okay? I-I mean..was this okay?" Eren shyly asks. His face also heating up at the scene.

I nod my head slowly. "Yeah..that was more than okay" I answer him softly, my eyes making it to his beautiful orbs.

His breathing began to hitch rapidly, I give him a reassuring smile. There is so much I want to tell him, but the way his expression is showing, I can only enjoy the silence.

"Y/n, what is the purpose of this?" He suddenly asks, looking up at the fiery sky. My lips tight into a thin line.

"I'm not sure Eren, but what I do know, there is a lot we still haven't figured out" I frown as I move my hand in front of me, letting a line of electricity spark around my fingers.

I can feel his smile growing deeper, my brow crease at his now wide smirk.

"What?" I mouth.

"As much as I tried so suppress my emotions, I can't deny how I feel for you Zappy" Eren leans down to kiss my forehead lovingly.

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