Chapter ~ 11

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"Y/n you are going to choke yourself to death" Sarah looks frantically at me as she picks up a fry to her mouth.

I furrow my eyebrows and continue eating my hamburger. There is truth behind her words though, I am eating like a pig.
My mouth is full of food, keeping me from giving her a response. She gives me a dirty glance before sighing, giving up on pestering me about manners.

Kira trots over to our table and sets down her tray. She watches me in puzzlement, Sarah only giving her a side glance—mentally telling Kira that there is no point in trying to talk to me.

"Ehh..I see Y/n's already chugging in" Kira exclaims, wavering off an embarrassed expression.

I finish my food shortly and point my middle finger at them, causing them both to flinch at my sudden movement.

"Don't you dare judge my eating style" A dark aura surrounds me, a devious smirk plastering on my face. My friends start to shake in fear, both wearing puzzled and scared expressions on their faces.

"S-sorry!" Kira stutters in fear, taking both her hands up in defeat.

"She's so scary when she's hungry" Sarah adds and mirrors Kira's behavior.

I laugh in victory, making Kira and Sarah laugh back as they watch me, we continue and enjoy ourselves as always.

It's good to be with friends and forget all my other worries.

Eren...I hope you're okay

But it wasn't that easy to just forget, I didn't have the privilege to forget about the person whose taught me so much in life.


I skip forward while resting my hands behind my back. Kira and Sarah are closely treading behind, having another of their arguments over something stupid that I don't care about.

They yell at each other aggressively with a quite amusing body language. I chuckle to myself as I throw them a glance.

In the end we all love each other

It's Sunday and pretty much everything is closed in our town. That's why we decided to visit Macdonald's, being the only place that's open.

We continue our walk back home, all of us not living far from each other. Except Sarah who lives in a house not too far from the school, only the opposite side of me and Kira. But we are only talking about 15 minuets here.

Kira scoffs annoyedly as she crosses her arms with a pout. Sarah veers her head away in defiance. I step between them and smack both of their heads lightly, earning a yelp from both of them.

"Can you two just shut up?!" I grant them a pointed look and cross my arms over my chest in an irritated manner.

They got caught by surprise as they move forward, holding their hands at the place I had hit. Sarah growls back and Kira complains about my action.

I place my hands on my hips and confidently smile, showing them no remorse what so ever.

"Ugh—whatever" Sarah gives in and drops her hands to her sides.

"Finnneee" Kira stretches her words long and rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"That's what I like to hear!" I shout and raise my hand in the air, feeling very successful.

Both of them huff furiously, I chuckle and link my arms with theirs. Both giving me a weird grimace before giving in and walking beside me in tie.

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