Chapter ~ 33

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Kira's eyes are filled with tears as I had just explained her the situation. She continues to sob as I give her a tight hug, knowing that our time together is almost up.

"I c-can't believe it...all this time you were meant to be somewhere else" She grips my shirt. I pat her back in a comforting manner.

"Me neither...I guess I should have figured something like this would have happened when suddenly Eren comes here and I manifest powers" I take a quick glance at Eren who leans next to the wall with a frown.

"It's n-not fair, we were supposed to be friends forever!" She pulls away and stares intently at me.

My heart shatters into pieces. I don't want to leave her, Sarah or Jack! I wanted to stay friends with them forever, but I can't. Not when Eren has to go back and I have a legacy to fulfill.

"I'm never going stop being your friend Kira, maybe when the time is right...I can come back to visit" I mutter as tears stream down my eyes.

I don't want to give her false hope, but it's a possibility right? I'm not naive...I

"What...about the others? How are you going to tell them?" She dries away her tears with a strained voice.

I hesitate for a moment, I don't have time to have a farewell with everyone. However I can write something.

"Kira, can I write my goodbyes to the rest? I don't have time to do it officially" I narrow my eyes as she slowly nods. Walking over to get a few papers from the drawer.

"Here" She hands me the papers and a pen, "I'll leave you to it...I'm in the bathroom if there is anything you want" She restrains her voice so she wouldn't fall into another sobbing session.

Before she leaves she turns on a night lamp over her desk and gives me a nod. I clutch the papers in my hand, it suddenly feels too real now.

I take a seat and start writing to my friends, pouring out all my feelings and the final truth. Sometimes my tears would hit the surface and Eren continuously hands me tissues to dry my eyes.

Eren leans down and places his head on top of mine, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You still have me" He says tenderly as I close my eyes with a painful sob. "It's okay it's okay, I'm right here. I'm always going to be right here" He turns around the chair and hugs me tight.

" hurts" I mumble through my tears as he takes a good look to wipe them away.

"I know it does, you're going to see them again...let that be your goal once we are there. Fight because you know you have to see them" His nose touches mine. I always feel so much stronger when I'm with him, like he pulls out the best in me.

"I'll see them...that's a promise" I choke out as Eren smiles softly. He pulls me into a kiss, causing me rap my arms around his neck. Our kiss tastes like cinnamon and as it deepens it feels like I'm being lifted off from the chair.

Which I quickly find out that I am. Eren gently places me next to the wall, I lift my legs so they rap around his waist.

"I love you Y/n" He breaks the kiss as he pants heavily.

I feel all my insides flair up in flames. It's the first time he said those three words.

I got the courage and smile to him "I love you too"

With that he raps his arms around me and spins me. Causing me to giggle back.

"Eren!" I hold onto his body as he laughs cutely.

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